Chapter 2

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The next morning, Chuuya woke up with a serious headache. He felt someone's arm on his waist. Then he turned around to look. ''WHAT THE-- !!'' He harshly pushed the stranger away from him, causing the latter to fall onto the floor with a loud thud. ''Oww !''

Chuuya scrambled off the bed with the blanket around him. ''WHO THE HELL ARE YOU ?!'' Then he realized something. ''WHY ARE WE--'' Blue eyes widened at the brunet, his heart started pounding hard. ''We didn't--'' He couldn't finish his sentence, he was too scared to know the answer. Right after he spotted his clothes scattered on the floor, he quickly picked them up and put them on.

Hiko got up while rubbing his painful head. He grinned a big one and looked at Chuuya from up to down. ''I shook you the whole night yesterday ,'' Chuuya's hand was shaking. ''N--no YOU'RE LYING !!'' He yelled as he went across the bed and pushed Hiko against the wall behind, he pressed his hands on his neck, almost strangling him. ''You--you started--you started it--'' Then Chuuya pressed harder. ''SHUT UP !! I DIDN'T ! I DIDN'T !!''

Hiko was almost out of breath when Chuuya finally let go. He coughed hard, trying to catch his breath. When he looked back at Chuuya, he could see panic in his eyes. Chuuya was staring at the floor. Memories started flooding back to him. How he started it, how the stranger gave in, how they both liked it.

He couldn't believe he did that.

What-- what was I thinking ?!!

Chuuya slowly squatted on the floor, he wrapped his head in his hands. Then Hiko spoke. ''I'm Hiko, what's your name ?'' Then he felt devastation in the air. He stretched out his hand to Chuuya. Chuuya harshly slapped his hand away and stood up. ''I don't have to introduce myself to you ,'' He went to grabbed his belongings and head for the door.

Then he suddenly turned around and pressed his hand on Hiko's shoulder. Red glow went all over Hiko's body as gravity made him kneel before the ginger head. Chuuya bent down and glared at him. ''Listen, if you dare tell anyone about yesterday, anyone at all, I WILL kill you. Understood ?'' Hiko nodded with fear. Chuuya turned around and slammed the door shut behind him.


''Dazai? Why are you here? I thought we're gonna meet up at ten ,'' Oda looked at the clock before sitting down beside Dazai. ''It's only nine now ,'' Dazai stared at the curry rice that has just been served before him. ''I wanna eat breakfast with you ,'' Then he took a scoop of the curry and immediately stuck out his tongue. ''Hueh-- this is really spicy. Oh maybe I should put some of this curry into a muffin for Chuuya, juz imagine his reaction when the spice gets to him ,''

Oda too ordered a plate of curry rice and started eating. ''Curry in a muffin? You're really creative, Dazai ,'' He scooped up his rice. ''Right, you said he's coming back at evening right ?'' Dazai nodded as he fiddled his curry with his spoon, he was smiling softly. Looking at him, Oda smiled too.

You really love him huh.

''Hm ?'' Then Oda realized that he mumbled out his thoughts. ''Nothing ,''


Chuuya was eating breakfast in a random cafe. His work had been done the day before, he could've gone back to Yokohama sooner than planned. But he didn't want to because he didn't know how to face the brunet, his brunet.

Damn it! What was I thinking?! Nakahara Chuuya you IDIOT !!

''TSK DAMN IT !'' He banged the table with his fist. Everybody went silent around him, all of them just staring at him. Noticing the situation, Chuuya quickly left the place without finishing up his food.


That evening, he couldn't stop thinking about what had happened at the hotel. He struggled. He thought about a thousand ways to tell Dazai and a million ways to apologize. But when he finally saw him in person, he just couldn't get the words out his mouth.

''Hey Chibi, welcome back~'' Dazai greeted him while he took his hat and put it onto his own head. ''He--hey ,'' The brunet tilted his head and bent down, his face closer to Chuuya's. ''What ?'' Chuuya avoided his gaze. Dazai hummed before standing straight again. ''I think you're tired. Come on, let's go home ,'' He started walking. ''Dazai ,'' Chuuya called out to him. Then Dazai turned around. The ginger head stood there, he didn't follow him. ''Hm ?''

''I--'' Chuuya slightly opened his mouth. He tried to say something, but he pursed his lips and looked down at the floor. Dazai walked back to him. ''What's wrong ?'' Then Chuuya suddenly hugged him and buried his face in his chest.

I'm sorry.

Dazai was startled, then he chuckled. ''It's only been five days, Chuuya ,'' He hugged him back and put back his hat. On the way back home, Chuuya remained silent. He resorted not to tell Dazai about it, even if he knew he would have to live with that his entire life.


The next morning, Dazai woke Chuuya up. He bought pancakes for breakfast, one with strawberry jam on it for Chuuya, and one with chocolate cream for himself. ''Mm this is nice, try it ,'' He cut a piece and urged Chuuya to taste it. Chuuya hesitated before biting it from Dazai's fork. It wasn't the first time Dazai fed him, it was more than the hundredth time. But after what he did, it just didn't feel right to be treated so nicely. Chuuya tried his best to act normal, but that moment of hesitation, it wasn't able to escape from Dazai's sharp eyes.

''We have work today, looks like Mori-san wouldn't let you take a rest after a five-day-long mission ,'' His words only reminded Chuuya of that night. He flinched a bit, but then quickly masked it by changing the topic. It was weird, Dazai could feel it.


''You okay ?'' ''What ?'' Chuuya wasn't sure what Dazai was asking. ''You seemed preoccupied, you could've gotten shot juz now if I hadn't notice that man behind you ,'' Dazai was going to clean the blood stain on Chuuya's cheek with a wet cloth when Chuuya back away a little. He slowly took the cloth from Dazai in his hand. Dazai looked puzzled at his reaction. ''It's fine I'll--I'll do it myself ,''

Dazai frowned at the ginger head, whom was sitting on the car trunk. Chuuya immediately realized that he reacted out of the ordinary. ''You've been acting strange ever since you came back from Hiroshima, did something hap--'' ''No, no ,'' Chuuya interrupted him. ''O... kayy...'' Dazai stared at him a little longer and hummed with doubt before getting into the car.

Ah shit! That was weirder, stupid, stupid! Shouldn't have interrupted him, that was way too obvious. Urgh why is acting casual so hard ?!

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