Chapter 27

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"I'm sorry Carlo." I mumble whilst cutting the cheese and not looking at him.

"Why are you apologising?" He questions from behind me where he is sat on the side eating something.

Good question.

I'm sorry that he's had to endure my sadness, and now I've come back worse he has to again.

He doesn't deserve this.

I'm not saying that I wish he'd left me with Rye, if I'm honest that would hurt me far worse than anything in my life.

But I'm saying that if he wants to leave... or me to leave... right now. Then it's okay, because I would understand.

I wish the two of us had met in a different lifetime, because as far as I know my life isn't going to get better.

"Earlier." I answer his questions and take the cooked pasta from his hands so he doesn't eat it all. "I should've just told you what had happened."

I set the pasta down and mix the sauce into it, whilst adding some of the thinly chopped cheese so it can melt more.

"Don't apologise."

I look over my shoulder behind me and he's got his legs spread open and his hands gripping the table behind him whilst he leans forward staring at me. I give him a small smile and turn back around placing the Mac n cheese into another dish to go into the oven.

Once I've done that I walk over to Carlo so I'm in front of him. He looks sad. He looks me up and down from where he's sat and I see tears well up in his eyes.

Oh fuck.

I bring my arms up and go to put them around him, he looks surprised and his eyebrows raise slightly. But he doesn't move to rush me. I step closer to hug him but it feels as if something is pulling me back.

Don't hug him.

You don't hug people you've made cry.

You. Made. Him. Cry.

A tear falls down his cheek and I drop my arms in defeat. "I can't do it." I sigh frustratedly.

He nods his head as more tears fall down his face. "It's fine. Promise."

It's not fine. Coward.

"Shut up." I whisper to myself. I turn around and look around the kitchen. My eyes move to where the knives are but I quickly look away.

I've already done that today, my wrists burn from the rubbing of my hoodie. I sit down on the floor.

"You're hurting yourself again aren't you?" Carlo asks. "You've gotta stop doing that."

I laugh slightly.

Take the knife.

"When is everyone going to stop telling me what to do? The voices, Giovanni, Rose, Isabella. You." I tap my head with my finger. "Everyone just needs to shut up."

"Ba-." He gets off the counter and walks towards me.

"Shh." I put a finger to my lips and look up at him. My hands move to my hair and pull slightly. I gasp and stare into his eyes. "I feel like I'm going crazy." I whisper and laugh.

By now Carlo is sat in front of me on the floor crying harder whilst watching me.

"Can I hold your hand?" I cry.

He nods his head and sits beside me with his back against the wall like me. He gives me his hand and I turn his hand over in my lap so his palm is facing up.

I run my fingers up his wrist and then follow the lines on his hand and the small scars.

"I'm so sorry Adelaide. For pressuring you, for not getting you back quick enough, for shouting at you-."

"You're giving me a headache." I chuckle slightly, whilst sniffing. "Just...shush."

And so he does. We both sit on the kitchen floor with our backs pressed against the wall. His hand in my lap whilst I trace my fingers over every small lined detail I can see. I play with his rings, taking them off his fingers then placing them back on.

He silently watches me and the only sounds that can be heard is the oven, the occasional sniff, and the people walking past the empty kitchen.

"I don't want you to ever apologise. From now on... no matter what you don't do it. You apologise for the wrong reasons and when it's not your fault." Carlo protests quietly.


"I mean it, Adelaide."

I look at him and smile. "I know. Always so serious."

"You need to know something."

I roll my eyes. "What now?"

"I may have drank a lot whilst you were gone, but I promise you I did more than that." I look at him confused. "Giovanni was in charge of the electrical things and shit. I went out on a killing spree you could call it. Downstairs is filled with Rye's men and people he's ever worked with."

I furrow my eyebrows. "Huh?"

"Half of them are dead and the others are just ready to be tortured one by one. I tortured them to get information, and then the notes came from Axel to add to the clues I got. I didn't even realise nearly a year had passed." He starts crying again. "I'm sorry it took so long."

He talks too much.


"Yeah." He sniffles.

"Please shut up," I smile at him and he laughs softly.


And we go back into silence until the oven dings and the pasta is ready. I get up off the floor and Carlo grabs bowls and forks, he goes and takes them into the dining room whilst I grab the dish and carry it into the room Carlo walked in.

I place it in the middle of the table and grab a serving spoon so it's easier to serve.

"FOOD!" Carlo shouts and I cover my ears glaring at him.

"Sorry." He smiles sheepishly.

Before everyone can walk in I leave and stroll around the mansion.

Carlo : Ti salveró amore mio Where stories live. Discover now