Chapter 34

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"I have a few things to say and I need you to shut up and let me say them. You may not like what will come out of my mouth... but frankly, I do not give a fuck." I smile as I stand on the bed at the end staring at Carlo who has just woken up.

He tiredly stares at me with bloodshot eyes and a confused look.

"I've had an epiphany!" I declare as I walk forward to him wobbly on the bed and he sits up with his back against the headboard, his hands in his pockets. "I think...I want to go to the beach."

"We can do that." He yawns.

"I want to go to my old house."

There's a pause as I sit down at the end of his feet. "Okay." He says unsurely.

"I need to go see Axel today."

"He can go to the beach with us." Carlo smiles. "Anything else?"

I take a deep breath.

"I want to go see Rye."

There's an uncomfortable silence.

"Downstairs. Today or tomorrow ."

Carlo has an angry look on his face and he looks away for a second. "Please." I beg and he looks at me.


"RED!" I scream as I run towards Axel and fling myself at him. He catches me and hugs me close.

"Hey tiny." He chuckles.

I step away from him and look down on the sand where Rosalyn is laying on the sand with towels and a pillow propping her up.

"Hello Adelaide." She smiles and waves at me.

I smile and go to sit down next to her, I watch as Carlo steps next to Axel and they start whispering to each other watching the two of us.

"They're talking about us aren't they?" I mumble whilst placing my hands on her bump.

"I should hope so." She turns her head to the side and closes her eyes. "Because we look hot as fuck and deserve to be spoke about."

I smile and feel a tiny kick. I gasp slightly and she opens one of her eyes and smiles. Taking my hands off of her stomach I sit up with a straight back and take my shirt and shorts off so I'm in my black bikini I found.

"Look." I smile and pull at my stomach a little so a bit of fat gets pulled back. "I'm gaining."

I'm only telling her this because she's been giving me a few diet food plans to help me start eating.

"Good job." She high fives me and smiles. "Proud of you."

"How was therapy?" Rosalyn asks after a long silence.

I tense. "I'm not going anymore." I state matter of factly.


"No. I have nothing to say so there is no point in being in that room for an hour or two a day whilst they ask the same questions each time."

She smiles slightly at me. "Okay. I'll be your therapist then. And as your therapist I am telling you that going into the water over there will be good for you." She points to the sea.

"Are you trying to get rid of me?" I joke.

"Always." She laughs.

I chuckle slightly and look over at the water.


"Stop fighting!" I hear Rye scream just before my head gets dunked under water in the small bucket on the floor.

Carlo : Ti salveró amore mio Where stories live. Discover now