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double update bc yall are the best!!

real life

With two iced coffees in her hands, August walked up to the large double doors and rang the doorbell with her elbow. With the sun hitting her face with a harsh glare, she felt her nose starting to become irritated. She was gonna sneeze soon and with her mask on, it wasn't going to be pretty at all.

Come on...

Just as she heard the lock turning and the doors slowly opening, August sneezed loudly, the inside of her face mask becoming snotty in the worst possible way.

"Oh, god, you're not sick, are you?"

August looked up, her eyebrows shooting up in surprise when her gaze met a red-headed woman's she had never seen before.

"Uh... no, I just sneeze in direct sunlight," August explained, hoping that didn't sound as dumb as she thought. She cleared her throat, lifting her shoulder to rub the side of her face. "It's a— it's a real thing," she mumbled, which it really was! She had done her research. It was even called ACHOO syndrome!

"Huh, interesting," the woman replied, chuckling softly. "You're... August, right?"

August smiled, still feeling the snot inside her mask. Could she just let her inside so she could clean up? God...

"Yeah! August James," she cleared her throat, hoping her smile reached her eyes. "Uh, Taylor wasn't exactly expecting me but, I mean, I got coffee—"

The woman interrupted her with a little laugh, watching her in amusement. "Yeah, it's all good. She's a little busy right now, finishing something up, but you can come in! Oh, I'm Tree, by the way. Taylor's publicist."

"It's nice to meet you," August told the woman as she stepped aside to let her in.

She spotted Meredith rolling on her back by the kitchen door and August chuckled, slipping out of her Vans. She stepped over to the cat, putting the coffee cups on the floor for a moment to rub her belly.

August could hear Taylor's voice from upstairs as she belted out a song which sounded vaguely familiar.

"Look at how my tears ricochet," August hummed along, smiling to herself as Meredith started purring.

"So, you know about the album?" Tree asked, chuckling to herself while closing the door.

"Mhm," August hummed in agreement. "Kind of. She kinda played this one for me like weeks ago."

There was an unreadable look in Tree's expression, her eyebrows slightly furrowed and her lips puckered just a tiny bit as she regarded August in interest but then she finally dropped her arms to her sides and sent August a smile.

"You can go up and give her the coffee if you like," Tree told her, making her way toward the living room where they had watched the movies that one time. "I'm sure she'd appreciate it."

"Thanks," August responded as Tree disappeared into the other room and got up, grabbing the two cups of iced coffee along the way.

She passed by the guest bathroom in the hallway first, discarding her snotty mask first and washing up quickly before finally heading upstairs.

She waited outside the door, left slightly ajar, for a moment, listening to Taylor singing and not wanting to interrupt her. It sounded like a pretty good take.

When the singer had finally stopped and mumbled something quietly to another person, presumably her producer, August finally knocked on the door and waited until she heard a soft, "come in."

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