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double update because taylor has made me super emotional and happy

real life

There was a car waiting for them at the airport as soon as the plane had landed, which honestly didn't come as too big of a surprise to August. It took them directly to Taylor's family
home which looked pretty great to say the least.

"It's beautiful," August said, glancing at Taylor who had reached over to ring the bell. They set their bags down on the welcome mat, waiting for the door to open

"Yeah," Taylor smiled at her brightly. "I'll show you around tomorrow."

It was pretty late in the afternoon and the sun was just setting. Thankfully, the weather wasn't too stuffy.

It wasn't long before the large doors opened and an older woman stood in front of them dressed comfortably in jeans and a white blouse.

Her arms instantly engulfed the blonde in a warm hug.

"Hi, mom!" Taylor exclaimed in a voice that was much too excited and happy and August beamed at Taylor's pure joy. She had never seen her smile so big before.

"I missed you so much, sweetheart!"

"I missed you too!" Taylor whispered and gave her mother a peck on the cheek before finally pulling away. "How are you feeling?"

"Oh! I'm great. And you must be August! It's so lovely to finally meet you!"

To her surprise, Andrea engulfed her in a hug as well. August was taken aback but she eventually relaxed and hugged the older woman back.

"Oh, I'm sorry, with the virus and all, but, we all need a hug sometimes, don't we?"

August almost wanted to cry because, yeah, she really did need a hug and she was always the kind of person who was too stubborn to seek affection from loved ones.

"You're not wrong," August laughed softly when she was released from the embrace. "It's great to meet you too, Andrea. You have a lovely home."

"Aw, thank you! Come on in, I was just about to start with dinner. You girls can go ahead and get settled in and your brother should be home any minute now, anyway," Andrea said, letting them walk inside.

Taylor led the way upstairs, showing August the guest room she was going to be staying in.

"I'll be in this room right next to yours, by the way," Taylor said. "The bathroom's right across the hall— oh, and! Phoebe can just run around. You can let her out. I'm sure she can take Kitty."

August raised her eyebrows, setting her dog carrier down first and then her bag. "Kitty? Is that another cat?"

Taylor laughed and shook her head. "Oh, no. She's my mom's massive dog."

August's hand stilled over the crate's lock. Phoebe was restless, whining and turning around in the small box over and over again. "How massive?"

"Human sized," Taylor grinned toothily and escaped from the guest room to her own room.

August opened the crate for Phoebe and immediately carried her in her arms. She followed Taylor into the bedroom next to hers and walked inside. She didn't know what she was expecting, but it looked pretty average. Actually, quite comfortable, all cream coloured and gold linings. There was just one massive teddy bear in the middle of the bed and Taylor jumped face first, tackling the stuffed animal.

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