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text messages

Niko (August's friend)
Hiiiii it's Niko! Idk if u have my number from that one time August added us to a gc together

The Queen Herself, Taylor the First
Oh hey!! Yeah, I have your number :) Hey Niko! What's up?

Niko (August's friend)
Oh nothing much! Just wanted to ask you something

The Queen Herself, Taylor the First
Uhh sure! go ahead!

Niko (August's friend)
Wait are you with August right now?

The Queen Herself, Taylor the First
Yeah we're making cookies! Why? Is something wrong????

Niko (August's friend)
Not really, no!

Niko (August's friend)
careful though, August is a disaster in a kitchen

The Queen Herself, Taylor the First
Yeah I've noticed 🥴

Niko (August's friend)
hows she doing today?

The Queen Herself, Taylor the First
Uhhhh fine? didnt you guys talk this morning like u always do?

Niko (August's friend)
Yeah we did but

Niko (August's friend)
You know August, right? she'll never tell me the truth. Did she talk to her family today?

The Queen Herself, Taylor the First
In the morning, she had a zoom with her parents and sister, and Zoe's boyfriend or something! I said hi for like a second and then gave them privacy. Why are you asking me all of this? Should I be worried about something?

Niko (August's friend)
No no!! dont worry

Niko (August's friend)
It's just

Niko (August's friend)
August obviously hasn't told you

Niko (August's friend)
she doesn't actually tell anyone anymore but like it's kinda her birthday today but she really hates it so thats probs why you dont know about it! But yeah, Im just checking to make sure shes doing okay cuz shes just gonna bottle everything in and not tell me if something *is* wrong so im just asking to see if you noticed anything weird

The Queen Herself, Taylor the First
Oh... yeah, she never told me! God, I would've done something for her

Niko (August's friend)
Oh trust me! You've done plenty already without even realising. And she hates surprises and the whole day being acknowledged as a whole so

Niko (August's friend)
It's just a pretty hard day for her so I just really wanted to ask for a favour

The Queen Herself, Taylor the First
I'll look out for her! Don't worry, Niko

Niko (August's friend)
Thank you! You're literally the best

The Queen Herself, Taylor the First
I care about her! I'll make sure she's okay

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