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"This idiots house is so cold what the heck." I wrapped the blanket around me,trying to find my way into Jay's room.

I bumped my arm into the pillar next to his room, "god damn it, this is why I hate rich people and their stupid house designs. Couldn't you people just make it simple?" I gritted my teeth before slowly entering the room.

I mean I was rich too, but not RICH RICH. I don't have the mindset of the rich like my parents do, I've always been kind of left out and grateful for it.

Imagine me in gowns and going to events, acting all nice and sweet and so fake. Ew, I don't even want to think about it.

Where does he put his blankets?! Don't people usually put blankets in closets? That was my first place to check.

Once I opened the closet door it creaked loudly, once again I slowly tried opening it in where it creaked ever louder.

"What the hell Seo, what are you doing in here?" Tired mumbles caress the shells of my ears, Jay was lightly leaning against me.

An arm on top of my head, he wasn't fully awake but he was aware. He closed the door of the closet, "are you trying to rob me now? I thought you were rich."

"This dumb shit...no jongseong where are the blankets and how do you sleep in such cold rooms?!"

"It's not cold, you're blood is just cold. And the blankets are in the storage room which I don't have the key to."

"God damn it! What will I do?" I cursed beneath my breath, I could feel my body being picked up.

"Shut up and don't speak a word, I'm tired enough. And with you around...I don't think I'll sleep a wink since you're pestering me, just shut up and sleep please." He scolded with a raspy tired voice, getting back into bed before laying me next to his side.

Before I knew it I could hear tiny snores, my sheets felt warm. Soon I fell asleep as well.


I heard tired groaning, I unconsciously stretched my arms...but it hit something hard. My body faced the same way as Jay's...soon my eyes fluttered meeting Jay's who opened at the same time.

We stared at each other for some seconds to process everything, and once we did...screams attacked the room.

"WHAT THE HELL SEO WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY BED?!" He shouted, covering his bare chest with his hands.


"But you said they were in the storage room, you carried me over to your bed then fell asleep. I was cold so I just spent the night here, gosh you're so annoying. The first thing I have to hear is your shouting." I rubbed the temple of my forehead.

"Give me your school uniform."

"What?" He raised a brow.

"I brought my backpack here in case you needed anything else, I don't want to go back home give me your clothes."

"You must be crazy." He rolled his head back in annoyance, I stared at the male deeply with dark eyes.

I raised my index pointer, "Park Jongseong. Don't make me bring your Heeseung hyung over here."

"Fine fine Im bringing it, wait."he quickly surrendered, running out of the room to get his clothes.

That dumbass, only one thing scares him. It's Heeseung's scolding, what a sucker.

He ran back into the room, "take it." I threw it at me, "why thank you good sir."


𝐏𝐎𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐍 | 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠 Where stories live. Discover now