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"It's been like a week since I've seen you in school, my classes have been so stressful I wasn't able to call you or anything." Minju pouted, I chuckled at her cuteness.

"It's been three weeks but it's alright, at least we meet at school sometimes.

"So...uh you and jongseong? You didn't bug him did you??"

"Oh I bugged him a lot, and I still do. I won't stop, it brings fun into my boring life. I don't know why I chose him, he kept annoying me so I took him as an target."

"Goes didn't I tell you he's trouble, why didn't you listen."

"Trouble is fun" I snickered, sucking on my cherry flavored lollipop. I snatched some from Jongseong's pocket.

"You always go for the bad boys." Jiyun shook her head in disappointment.

"Hey at least be lucky I don't date them, who would want to date that fucker jongseong he's so annoying."

"But you're exactly like him."

"Say that shit again and the next time you'll see yourself is in the hospital." I huffed while she just snickered.

"I'll get going, I have some projects to finish. I'll see you Friday, I heard sunghoon's having a party."

"Really? Mr cutesy is having a party and he didn't call me? What a pity, alright I'll see you Friday." I waved goodbye, she smiled lightly before stepping out the door.



"So...cutesy I heard you're having a party." I clicked my tongue.

"Oh you heard, yes I'm pretty sure we are. I was going to tell you tommorow, the party is on tommorow baby don't be late."

"Tsh, loser why would I miss my only friend's party when he never throws any? Any person would be shocked if they heard "THE PARK SUNGHOON" throwing a party." I exaggerated.

I could hear sunghoon's laugh through the phone, "ah you little shit, and why is that?"

"Because everyone at school thinks of you as an introvert who never talks at school, I even heard a bunch of the girls calling you cold hearted. Well we'll park, you've got quite a reputation there don't you??" I used a questioning voice at the end which intrigued the male.

"Hmm maybe I do? What's it to you cutie, interested??" He emitted a deep chuckle.

"Very." I teased.

"Yea right, anyways love...I'll get going for some ice skating practices. Take care and I'll see you tommorow morning."

"You too hoon!! Bye" I hung up the phone.


"Park." I stared him from top to bottom, waiting at the bus station because I was lazy to walk today.

Jongseong put on the regular glare on his face, "Seo." He did the same thing I did to him, stare from the top to bottom while grimacing in disgust.

"Today is Friday, going to that party? Hopefully not."

"Well i lowkey own that house because it's cutesy's house, and I hate to ruin your thoughts but I'm definitely going. See you there jongseong."

"Well he's my cousin so I own that house more than you do." He argued.

"Well then I'll become your sister in law, the worst one by far if you don't shut up." I warned. The male's eyes widened.

"You don't dare!" He pointed up a finger and I grinned.

"Oh I do dare! I don't have a problem dating my best friend, he's cute, attractive and better than any guy here!" I put my tongue out.

"I'm way better." He scoffed, looking away from me to a random direction of the bus.

"HAH. That's so funny, you think you're all that...compared to park?? Must be blind." I nearly shed tears from laughing.

"Oh you want a challenge? I challenge you, ladies are all over me." He huffed, folding his arms in vexation.

"Oh yea?? Prove it." I tilted my head, waiting to be satisfied but I knew he didn't have any interest to ask the ladies out.

Jongseong blew a whistle with his fingers, all of a sudden a bunch of girls from the bus were hovered over him. Some girls I recognized from school.

Jay spread his hands for them to get under and wrapped his arms around all of them. He cocked up a brow, looking back at me.

"Got something to say for me beautiful?" He questioned, what a show off.

"I didn't know you had hoes, impressive...for someone like you." I took one more glance before leaving the bus to get to class.

I guess Jay's move wasn't enough to satisfy the Seo Chohee.


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