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Jay and I spent most of the night playing chess games

"If only we had phone service in here." I pouted, being defeated by Jay for at least...the 5th time.

"Sad we don't, I'm going to sleep..." jay yawned, putting the chess board away. He leaned against the walls and took out his sweater to use as a blanket.

I tried to sleep too, I sat right next to him. I hugged myself and laid my head against my knees trying to resist to cold room temperature.

Though the room was cold, that didn't stop me from drifting to sleep. Jay on the other hand was wide awake, he always had trouble sleeping, he just looked out the window where it was raining heavily out and listened to the breath hitching in the room.

Hitching?? He wondered to himself, Jay turned his head to my side and found my body shaking, and my lips quivering. He immediately took off his sweater and wrapped it around me.

I could feel him slowly pull me closer to him. He gently placed my head on his shoulder and caressed it.

Body heat.

Jongseong always talked about body heat when being cold, he says if you're cold. Go to someone to create body heat so you won't feel so cold as before.

He might be a bit dumb headed but his brain is still sharp, he's full of ideas. Jay trailed his eyes, listening to the slight snores that emitted my body.

He quirked his lips up lightly, he brought his face to the length of my head. I could feel the warm ness of lips meeting my forehead, he was kissing my forehead.

Jongseong is kissing my forehead.

He pulled back,warming smiling. "Whore Chohee, you're lucky we're close or else I wouldn't have shared my valuable expensive sweater." He whispered.

"Anyways ugly...sleep well and hopefully the sweater keeps your idiot self warm. Night." He whispered before finally turning his head away to go to sleep.


I was slowing waking up, I felt something wrapped around my waist. My eyes shot open, god damn it was just her. Idiot Chohee wrapping her legs arounds me, how did we end up laying on the floor and in each other's arms?

She snuggled into my chest, I could here the little whimpers she released from her mouth. Was the sweater not enough doll ? You just had to conquer over me too.

The school bell rang, those were for the teachers to enter into the building. Chohee flinched up, "JONGSEONG!! what happened ?! Is the school ok fire??!?!?!"

"No relax,we made it through the night. Someone should be here by now."

"Oh..." she tiredly scratched the back of her head. Groaning due to her sudden awakening.

I just smirked, thinking about how she had her self wrapped around my body. It felt nice didn't it Seo? No girl other than you gets to experience this, you're one of the lucky ones.

The door nob rattled...someone finally opened. Me and Chohee got up from the floor swiftly.

"Huh? What are you guys doing here? They didn't let the students in, you're an hour early." The detention monitor stared at us with a strange look.

"Gosh ! It was because someone trapped us in here while we were in detention yesterday and we had to spent the night sleeping here!" Chohee bantered with her voice nearly cracking from the raspiness of her throat.

"We'll investigate into it, we have time schedules of students. Get back home or stay in the classroom, sorry that happened to you poor kids." They slightly frowned, letting us exit the detention room.

At last.


𝐏𝐎𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐍 | 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠 Where stories live. Discover now