Chapter 22

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Harley winces as she watches Isaac, yet again, take out a Beacon Hills player.

"Why does he keep doing that?" Mrs. McCall gasps.

Harley, without flinching, says, "He was homeschooled." Lydia looks at her in confusion, but Harley holds a finger up to her lips, signaling her to remain silent. 

Harley jumps up when she sees Isaac fall, immobile. She rushes down to Scott's side, who grabs her arm and pulls her to Isaac.

"It's not broken," he grunts, "But I can't move it. I think Jackson nicked me. I can feel it spreading." Harley and Scott both look over to Gerard. 

"What's he saying?" Harley asks Scott quietly.

"Nothing important," Scott responds quickly. Harley inhales sharply.

"You're lying," she says. "Is Isaac gonna get seriously hurt?"


"Another lie. If you start sacrificing people for yourself, Scott, I can't promise which end of my knives you'll end up on." With that, Harley shoves her way back into the stands. 

Harley watches Scott more closely, seeing him lying on the ground but obviously listening in to something. She stills when she sees the turmoil on his face, realizing that he might be making the selfish decision. 

"Allison," she mutters. "Fu-"

Harley shoves her way through the crowd as the lights go out. She runs into Scott's back and he turns and grabs her, pulling her forward in front of him. She stands with him as Mrs. McCall runs up to both of them. "Are you okay?" she asks, both teens nodding. They're interrupted by screaming, everyone alerting them of Jackson lying on the field. She stands next to Scott as Mrs. McCall rushes to help Jackson. Isaac comes up behind her, squeezing her shoulder, checking if she's okay. She nods, and he looks closer at Jackson.

"He did it to himself?" Isaac asks. Before Harley can respond, her blood runs cold at the Sheriff's words.

"Where's my son?"

Later, Harley finds herself standing between Scott and Isaac as the three speak with the Sheriff. She's zoned out as he explains the situation, thinking about everything that's gone down. Her attention is drawn back once Scott taps her on the shoulder, signaling her to pay attention. Her eyes go wide when she sees both Derek and Peter Hale staring back at her. 

"What the hell is this?" Scott asks.

"You know, we thought the same thing when we saw you talking to Gerard at the Sheriff's station," Derek scoffs.

"Okay, hold on, he threatened to kill my mom, and I had to get close to him, what was I supposed to do? Wait, we?"

"he means me," Harley says, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah, that's right, I heard."

"I'm gonna go with Scott on this one," Peter says. "I mean, have you seen his mom? She's gorgeous." Isaac raises his eyebrows in disbelief.

"Shut up!" Derek and Scott say in unison.

"Who is he?" Isaac asks the two teens.

"He's Peter, Derek's uncle," Scott explains. "Little while back, tried to kill us all, and then we set him on fire, and Derek slashed his throat."

"Hi," Peter waves.

"A creepy-ass pedophile too," Harley scoffs. "Stalking Lydia like a total psychopath. Why, exactly, do we think it's okay to work with him?"

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