Chapter 26

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Harley watches in a mixture of horror and fascination as Isaac sits up, howling, teeth bared and eyes glowing. Stiles and Harley both rush to help hold him back under upon Deaton's request, but Derek pushes out an arm and lightly shoves her back. When she looks at him, confused, he shakes his head.

"I'm not helpless," she protests.

"You're not a wolf," he says, straining slightly while shoving down Isaac. "You'd get hurt."

"I'm not a wolf and I'm helping," Stiles says, frowning.

"I don't care if you get hurt."


"It'd really help if you focused right now!" Scott yells, shoving a thrashing Isaac back underwater. 

"Hold him," Deaton interjects.

"We're trying," Derek growls. It's not much longer until Isaac falls motionless under the water, the group stepping back to allow him to slowly float back to the top. 

"Remember, only I talk to him," Deaton says, holding up a finger to silence everyone else. "Too many voices will confuse him and draw him out." Harley realizes she's been holding her breath as Deaton finally speaks again. "Isaac? Can you hear me?"

"Yes," Isaac breathes. "I can hear you." Harley looks at Scott, who is already staring at her, wide-eyed. She tugs on her bottom lip and looks back down to Isaac. She notes how pretty he looks, especially with the water drops falling on his eyelashes, soon chastising herself, because how pretty he looks is definitely not what matters right now.

"This is Dr. Deaton. I'd like to ask you a few questions. Is that all right?"


"I want to ask you about the night you found Erica and Boyd." Harley's gaze shifts to the window just as lighting strikes and thunder rumbles. She shivers slightly. 

Why wouldn't it storm while we're performing a creepy ritual?

"I want you to remember it for me in as vivid detail as possible, like you're actually there again," Deaton says softly.

"I don't wanna do that," Isaac says, thrashing slightly. "I don't--I don't wanna do that." The power flickers the more Isaac protests, and the boys all move to hold him back down again.

"Isaac, it's all right. Just relax. They're just memories. You can't be hurt by a memory. It's all right."

"I don't wanna do that." Harley grabs Stiles arms as a reflex upon seeing how badly Isaac is shaking. Stiles awkwardly pats her on the back. Without even thinking, Harley speaks up.

"It's all okay, Isaac," she whispers, all heads besides Deaton's turning to her in surprise and fear. She is stunned as the voice coming out of her mouth doesn't sound like hers. It's softer and more rich than her usual hint of rasp. It's soothing, a way you would talk to a frightened child. "You won't be hurt by this. You have to do this to help us, otherwise we'll be hurt. You don't want us hurt, do you?" 

Isaac whispers a soft no, then relaxes back into the bath.

"Good," Deaton praises. Harley blinks hard, feeling like she's had an out-of-body experience. "Now let's get back to that night." Harley turns away and coughs into her hand. She feels something running down the corner of her mouth, and she wipes it away. She finds a streak of red across the back of her hand, and wipes any remaining traces off her face. She pulls down her sleeves to hide her hands, then turns back to the group. She rejoins the group just in time to hear Isaac.

"It's not--it's not a house," Isaac explains. "It's stone. I think marble."

"That's perfect. Can you give me any other descriptors?"

"It's dusty, so empty."

"Like an abandoned building?" A moment of silence. "Isaac? Isaac?"

"Someone's here." He reaches out and grabs Scott's arm.

"Isaac, relax."

"No, no, no, they see me, they see me!"

"Just memories." The lights flicker again. "You won't be hurt by memories. Just relax. Relax." After a while, Isaac eventually calms down. "Good. Now tell us what you see. Tell us everything."

"I hear him." Harley shudders as Isaac's eyes shoot open, but do not focus. "He's talking about the full moon, about being out of control when the moon rises."

"Is he talking to Erica?"

"I think so, I can't--I can't see her, I ca--I can't-- I can't see either of them."

"Can you hear anything else?"

"They're worried. They're worried what they'll do during the moon. They're... worried that they're gonna hurt each other."

Derek sighs. "If they're locked in together during the full moon, they're gonna tear each other apart," he says. 

"Isaac, we need to find them right now," Deaton says, speaking a bit more forcefully this time. "can you see them?"

"No," Isaac says. 

"Do you know what kind of room it is? Is there any kind of marker? A number on the door? A sign?" Isaac sits up, gasping heavily. Derek and Scott step forward, while Stiles and Harley step back.

"They're here," Isaac whispers. "They--they--"

"It's all right."


"Just tell us--"

"They found me. They're here!"

"This isn't working," Derek says. "Isaac, where are you?"

"I can't see them! It's too dark!"

"Isaac, where are you? Just tell me where you are."

"They're looking for her! They want something with her next!"

"Who? Erica?"

"His heart rate--he could go into shock," Deaton interjects.

"Derek, let him go!" Scott commands.

"Isaac, where are you?" Derek yells. "What do you see?"

"A vault! It's a bank vault!" Isaac jumps up, now actually awake. "I saw it! I saw the name!" As Isaac pushes himself out of the tub, Harley grabs him a towel and wraps it around his shoulders and Scott and Derek help him up. "It's, uh, Beacon Hills First National Bank. It's, um--it's an abandoned bank, and they're keeping them locked inside, inside the vault." Everyone exchanges uncomfortable looks. "What?"

"You don't remember what you said right before you came out of it, do you?" Stiles asks.


"You said when they captured you and dragged you into a room and that there was a body in it."

"What body?"

"Erica." Harley clears her throat to choke back the tears bubbling up. Scott drapes his arm across her shoulders and pulls her closer to him. "You said it was Erica."

**A/N shorter chapter today sorryyy, also please please check out my tiktok I am attempting to make edits for my books :) same username as on here

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