Chapter 3

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"Huh?" Stiles asks.

"Look, Stiles," Harley says as she starts working on their project. "I don't know you, or your friends, or anything that's going on. What I do know is that there's a lot more than what meets the eye in this town, and I know that your little 'gang' is caught up in it. I don't particularly want to get involved in a testosterone match between Scott and whoever the hell the other guy is that has Erica and Lahey, of all people, as his little bitches. I do, however, want to help people who do not know how to help themselves, and that includes Lydia. Therefore, I'm helping you."

She looks to her side and makes eye contact with Erica before speaking again. "I also want Lahey and Erica to know that I'm not scared of them or their little wolf claws, either, since they've obviously been listening in to this conversation." 

"What the hell do you know about werewolves?" Stiles hisses, drawing her attention back to him.

"Enough." With that, Harris rings his bell that signals to switch partners. She gathers her things and moves by some random boy, but still close enough to the others that she can hear what's going on. She winces when she sees Isaac next to Stiles. 

"If you harm one perfect strawberry blonde hair on her head, I'm going to turn your little werewolf ass into a fur coat and give it to her as a birthday present," Stiles threatens Isaac. 


"Really? I've never actually been to one of her big, invite-only birthday parties. I did ask her out once, though," Isaac scoffs. Harley rolls her eyes. 

"Boo-hoo," she mumbles to herself. "You got rejected once. Doesn't mean you have to turn homicidal."

"Sounds like the beginning to a heartfelt story," Stiles mocks. "I'm gonna pass, thanks."

"It was the first day of freshman year--"

"And you thought everything was gonna be different for you in high school, but she said no."

"Yeah," Isaac chuckles. "Yeah, she even laughed. Told me to come back when the bike I rode to school had an engine, not a chain."

Harley tunes out for the rest of their conversation, choosing to instead try to put the parts together. How were Stiles and his friends caught up in this? Were one of them werewolves? Stiles couldn't be, and she didn't think Allison was either, so--

Scott. God, it's so obviously Scott, she almost hits herself once she realizes. What other wolves are there, though? Who are they fighting? Alayna mentioned a family once, but she can't remember the name. She was younger when she heard it, maybe 12, and it hasn't been brought up again since. What did it start with? A? No--H. It starts with H. 

She comes back to pay attention to their conversation just in time to hear Isaac. "Nah, I was thinking I'd channel it into killing her. I'm not very good at writing."

Oh, no.

Harris rings the bell again before Stiles can respond. As he moves away, though, Isaac grabs his arm again. "Hey, since when do you hang around with Rogers?" 

Harley takes that as her cue to interrupt the two. "Why, Lahey? Jealous?" She raises an eyebrow at him as she brushes past, leaving him to stare open-mouthed at her again. She quickens her pace and slides into the seat beside Lydia before he can reach it. She looks back at Allison, who gives her a soft smile, and she nods once back before turning to face Lydia.

Lydia cocks her head as she furrows her brows. "Hi?"

Harley takes a deep breath before responding. "Hey. I'm Harley."

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