Chapter 32

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Harley's pushing her way through the halls of the hospital. She had been working her volunteer hours when victims of a car pileup got sent up to the hospital, now causing infinitely more work. She's been transporting patient papers and information, and she's now looking for Mrs. McCall for her to sign off a few documents. She finds her at the entrance talking with Scott.

"I hate to interrupt," Harley says as she reaches the two. "I need you to sign these, though." Scott perks up at the sight of her.

"Oh!" he says, holding out a bag. "I didn't know you were here tonight. I would've gotten you food too."

"I'm just about done, so it's really all right. Thank you though. " She smiles at him and Mrs. McCall hands her back the file. She turns to leave but runs into a patient.

"Excuse me, Miss?" the woman addresses Mrs. McCall. "Can I kind of please have something for the pain?"

"Okay, I'm sorry, I know," Mrs. McCall soothes, "But actually giving you something could complicate things." She nods at the teens as she returns the lady to her seat. Harley looks between Scott and the patient, gesturing toward her.

"Huh?" Scott asks. Harley rolls her eyes, gesturing again, but he just shrugs.

"Go take her pain, dumbass," she sighs. "Not too many people's, though. Stay safe." She pats his cheek. "I have to go. Thanks for food." He smiles fondly at her as she turns away. Just as she gets down the next hall, someone grabs her shoulder from behind. She turns and finds another volunteer. "Hello?"

"I'll take your papers," the girl says, taking them and moving Harley back toward the entrance. "There's a kid here that needs help. You can take that one." The girl runs away before Harley can respond.

"Great." She goes back to the entrance, stopping in her tracks when she sees Ethan carrying Danny in, screaming for help.

Harley stands beside Mrs. McCall as they lower Danny into one of the seats. Scott grabs Ethan by the collar and pulls him away.

"What did you do to him?" Scott demands.

"Nothing," Ethan protests. "He said he was having chest pain and trouble breathing, but it just kept getting worse." Scott looks as though he's going to hit Ethan, but Harley shoves him back.

"Knock it off," she hisses. "He wouldn't hurt him."

"This is not good," Mrs. McCall sighs. "His larynx has shifted to the side. I think it's a tension pneumothorax." Before she can continue speaking, Danny throws up. After seeing the substance, Harley and Ethan speak at the same time:


The group makes their way into a new room with Danny.

"Can you two please go back to the waiting room?" Mrs. McCall asks the boys as Harley starts to set up the area.

"Where is everyone? Where are the nurses and doctors?" Ethan asks.

"It's a full house tonight. They're tending to other patients."

"Can we help?" Scott begs.

"You can't. His lung has collapsed. His heart is being pushed against his chest cavity, so..."

"He's gonna die, isn't he?" Mrs. McCall looks around quickly before gesturing for Harley to close the curtains.

"No. No he's not. Scott, grab the tape. You grab those scissors and cut his shirt open." Harley pulls out a large syringe and hands it to Mrs. McCall. "Okay."

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