2: Introduce Us

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Jun had never been on a motorcycle before. His mom had always said they were dangerous and that he shouldn't try. Its not like he was listening to her anymore anyways though, so when Dabi said he had to ride with him to get to L.O.V headquarters, he accepted, no questions asked. 

The group was famous for their attack on U.A earlier that year. Perhaps Jun was being stupid to believe this guy was with them, but what other option did he have? At least in Kamino he wouldn't be easy to track down. 

Dabi, as the man had introduced himself as, had given Jun his coat so he'd be less recognizable. The pink stained school uniform was kind of suspicious. 

"Have you ever done something like that before? You know, like beating up your classmates or something?" Dabi asked. 

"Nah." Jun said honestly, "I usually just sat there not doing anything. I just can't fucking take it anymore.". Dabi nodded in understanding. 

"We all get to that point." He said. Jun wasn't sure who this 'we' was, but he was interested in finding out. 

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"I ask you to recruit more villains and you bring yet another teenage brat?" Shigaraki said angrily. Dabi raised his hands in surrender. 

"He and Toga are a bit more than brats, but sure, you go on thinking that." The villain smirked. Shigaraki looked Jun up and down, like he was assessing an object's worth. 

"Have I seen you before?" The league's leader asked, his brows furrowing beneath the hand on his face. Jun nodded. "Probably." He replied simply. 

"The little 'teenage brat' was on the news today for putting his classmate in the icu with his quirk. Wanna rethink not allowing him in?" Dabi challenged. Now Shigaraki looked interested. 

"Prove your worth to the cause. Prove to me you can help us defile hero society." The light blue haired man said with a creepy smile. The man could use some chap stick. 

"What do you want me to do?" Jun asked, ready to do what he had to. He was sick of people like his classmates. Like his teachers. Like the heroes in those anti bullying videos that told him just to tell a trusted adult. Since he knew that these guys were the real deal, this was his best shot at revenge. 

Shigaraki seemed to think for a moment, then turned to the masked top hat wearing guy in the corner. "Fight Mr. Compress. If you win, you get to stay. You lose, you can go find a kiddy gang that'll take you on, runaway.". 

The masked man stood up with a sigh and nodded to Jun. Before the kid even had a chance to think, the man lunged at him. He didn't have a weapon, which meant his quirk must be touch activated. Jun gritted his teeth and flopped on the ground to avoid the attack. 

He realized that with Dabi's coat on it would be hard to get the slime out from his sleeves. Instead he raised his legs and let the slime snake out from around his ankles instead. Mr. Compress grabbed his ankle, obviously smug about his perceived victory, only to come back with a hand covered in neon pink goop. 

Jun cracked a smile, hopping up and shedding the jacket. More slime coated the villain's hand, preventing him from directly touching Jun at all. Pulling yet more slime off his arms and torso, Jun smiled wider as the neon substance snaked it way around Mr. Compress's throat. 

He didn't squeeze enough to kill him, just enough to make him stumble backwards, pink hands clawing at his throat. After a couple seconds of that Jun called the substance back and watched as it flew across the room and absorbed back into his skin. 

Someone in the room whistled. Jun couldn't wipe the smile off his face. He barely ever used his quirk. No one wanted to even think about his quirk, let alone see it. 

In his opinion a quirk like this could make him an excellent villain assuming no one here ever learned how it worked. 

Shigaraki looked impressed but turned to speak with the smoke headed bartender first. 

"Alright, you need a room right?" He asked. Jun nodded. "Dabi, show him to the room next to yours get him some clothes and sheets for tonight. You can buy your own clothes if you complete enough tasks.". 

The teen nodded. He had actually done it. He was in the league of villains. 

Now what?

------ ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- ------- 

When Jun woke up, the previous day felt like a dream. Something that was both too good to be true, and an absolute nightmare. 

For the first few minutes after he woke up, he couldn't believe it was real. That it had actually happened. Jun really thought he had made the whole thing up. 

But there was a blonde girl in the corner of the room so he was pretty sure it was real. Plus, he was on a mattress on the floor in a room that was 100% not his. It was actually kinda nicer than his actual room. 

"Can I help you?" Jun asked, pulling the blanket to cover his bare chest. He felt a little self conscious, especially with all the scars he had. 

"You can!" The girl said, her wide smile perfectly showcasing her bright fangs. "I just want a bit of your blood!". 

"Ah..." Jun said awkwardly. "No can do?". The girl just shuffled closer to him eagerly, kneeling on the end of the mattress. 

"Come on, don't be stingy! I'm excited to have a baby in the group! You're in your first year of high school, right? I heard you really strangle well, wanna try it out on me? Only if you let me stab you later tho-" The girl rambled. 

Jun scooted back into the wall on instinct. "Uh, my quirk doesn't allow for that." He said vaguely. The girl raised an eyebrow. 

"You haven't explained your quirk to anyone yet, let me be the first! Why can't I take your blood?!" The girl asked. Jun felt his heartbeat quicken. No one was going to know how his quirk worked. No way in hell. 

And like a burnt chicken nugget from heaven Dabi opened the door right at that moment. He looked down at the scene in front of him and took in the pleading look Jun was giving him. The older villain sighed. "Toga, stop harassing the newbie." He said, grabbing the girl by her shirt collar and hauling her off the mattress. "I'm taking you out for breakfast. Do you have clothes?". 

Jun blushed a deeper shade of red than he had been before at the realization they both knew he wasn't wearing a shirt. He shook his head and pulled the blanket up further. Dabi just chuckled and ruffled his hair. He left for a few minutes before reappearing with a black t-shirt and some dark grey sweatpants that clearly were Dabi's. 

He changed quickly the moment the other two were out of the room, always one to be modest. Jun took a quick look at himself in the mirror hanging on the wall in the room and sighed. He looked like shit, grey hair fluffy and messy. His skin looked fine, save for a few spots of his arms that had been burned or stabbed with pencils in the days, weeks and years before. 

His horns were well....there. They always were, no matter how much he wised to wake up one day without them. 

Someone started banging on the door, startling Jun. "Hurry up!" Dabi called. Jun took a deep breath and opened the door. 


Chapter 2 already! 

I'm just kidding, I published this at the same time as chapter 1.

By the way, this story's gonna need a love interest down the line, so I'm going to need some recommendations! (keep in mind that Jun is the same age as 1-A) 

Stay Tuned! 

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