9: Night To Remember Pt. 1

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'Oh this was a good idea' Jun thought, his eyes forming crescents as he smiled. Katsuki had actually shown up. He hadn't gotten dressed up like Jun had hoped, the blonde was wearing a plain black t-shirt that was tucked into normal blue jeans, but it was passable. His friend on the other hand had done a bit more to get ready. He wore a white shirt and grey pants and at least had the decency to look nervous.

Katsuki looked far too confident for what they would be doing. 

Now, Katsuki himself wasn't without opinions on Jun's outfit either. He was wearing a loose black button up with the top 4 buttons undone. It was tucked into skin tight black jeans with rips on the knees and thighs and the whole outfit looked dipped in jewelry. Katsuki thought Jun had dressed exactly how he felt. 

"Good to see you again, Suki." The villain smirked. Bakugou clicked his tongue. "I wouldn't if I had a choice." He replied angrily.  

Bakugou's friend just looked confused and a little startled. "What's wrong?" Jun asked, smiling genuinely with amusement at Katsuki's grumpiness. 

"Well I um-I don-didn't. Uh, that is to say I-" He stuttered. Katsuki elbowed him and the boy swallowed. "You're not what I expected when Kacchan said he knew someone who could help me with the case.". 

Jun just nodded and smirked at Katsuki. "Kacchan, huh?" He asked rhetorically. Katsuki looked seconds away from punching him in the face. "Well, I can't say I know what you did expect, but I assure you this is far from the first time I wasn't what someone expected.". 

The boy nodded, seeming more assured at the answer. "Oh!" He said, struck with a sudden realization, "I don't know your name yet! I'm Midoriya Izuku and I'm sure you know what school I go to already.". He held out his hand for Jun to shake. 

'How adorable' Jun thought smiling even wider. "I do know, I already knew your name too. You did well in the sports festival." He said, taking the boy's hand. "I'm Jun and I'm not in school at the moment and wont be ever again unless something goes wrong.". 

Katsuki elbowed him this time. It was becoming painfully obvious from Midoriya's smile and Bakugou wanting him to shut up that Katsuki had neglected to tell the poor boy who Jun really was. He wondered if Katsuki had lied to him, said they met in some harmless, normal teenage way. 

"Now that the introductions are out of the way, should be get going? If you want your questions answered then we've got a long night ahead of us.".

------- ------- ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- ------- -------- 

Izuku was sweating bullets. He hadn't expected for his very public complaint about how they couldn't find Eri to reach Bakugou's ears, let alone go so far that they met with an informant. 

He had anticipated an underground hero or perhaps someone who was morally gray. Regardless he had expected an adult. When Katsuki had pointed out the teenager  walking down the street towards them as their informant, he hadn't known what to think. 

Jun was pretty. Somewhere between boyishly handsome and pretty, really. Everything about him looked like he belonged to a whole different universe than them, from the thought out outfit to his surprisingly long and shaggy hair that fell just so. Izuku didn't think he could look that put good if he had a week to plan in advance. 

The second reason for his nerves was where Jun had brought them. It was a bar. 

Izuku had never even considered drinking underage before and he didn't want to. He didn't know how to act, didn't know what he should do. He just didn't know. Bakugou seemed remarkably chill for the situation, his eyes never moving off of Jun's body. 

The teen had gone up to the bar to get them drinks before they started talking. That was their 'activity' for the night. 'If you want grown up information' Jun had said. his tone matter-of-fact, 'they you have to play grown up games'. 

Jun held a small tray of drinks as he weaved his way back to the table. When he stopped dead midway through both U.A students kept their eyes trained on him. He looked down at another table right as a man excused himself to the bathroom. They both saw clearly as the man slipped a pill into the woman he was sitting opposite from's drink. 

Both hero students audibly gasped, sitting on the edge of their seats, ready to run over there and warn her. But they didn't have to as Jun walked over to the table and casually knocked the drink over into the man's chair. He held the half dissolves up to the woman who looked shocked. She left immediately after. 

"Sorry. That took longer than expected." Jun said, an easy smile on his face as he set the drinks down. 

"You did that so easily! Are you like some sort of vigilante? Is that how you and Kacchan met?" Izuku said, his eyes sparkling. 

Jun burst out laughing, he just couldn't help it. Katsuki glared at him. "Oh my god my stomach hurts." Jun said between bouts of laughter, throwing himself into his chair across from the other two. "You're so innocent. I love it.". 

Izuku didn't even look offended, just confused. "You see Midoriya, your friend Kacchan here and I met while he was-" Katsuki cut him off by kicking Jun's leg under the table. 

"We met around the same time as the Kamino incident." Katsuki said, glaring at Jun. "That's all that needs to be said. Now, stop fucking around and give us the information pretty boy.". 

Jun wagged his finger in front of the blonde's face. "Sorry, but my info's not cheap. I'm going to make a lot of people mad if I tell you anything so you'll need to repay me with at least a little info first. Well, that and drink these.". 

"They're non-alcoholic, right?" Izuku asked nervously. Jun smirked. "What's the point of bringing you to a bar that serves minors if you get non-alcoholic drinks?" He said, taking one of the colourful drinks in his hand. "But I wont force you.". Jun was many things, but the type of person that forces other people to get inebriated was not one of them. If Midoriya didn't want to drink, Katsuki would have to loosen his lips enough for the both of them. 

Katsuki didn't even hesitate to take another one of the drinks, taking a quick sip and trying to hide his disgust. He too had never considered drinking underage before this very moment and he didn't really want to but like hell he was going to look like a wuss in front of the slimeball. Izuku made no motion to move the 3rd glass closer to his body and left it on the tray in the center of the table. 

"Now, tell us where the fuck those yakuza bastards keep the girl." Katsuki demanded. Jun's eyebrows raised in surprise. 

"You want to talk about Eri? I thought you wanted...well lets just say I thought you knew a lot more than you do.". Midoriya's brows furrowed at the tone Jun used. What didn't they know? 

"So you'll tell us?" The Katsuki asked. Now that Jun had revealed he knew the girl's name, he was confident Jun had the information they needed. 

"Sure. I'll write down the address for you." Jun said easily. He had no problems betraying Chisaki Kai. That bastard deserves what's coming to him. He would have to warm Toga and Twice to get out of there the moment the heroes showed up. He wrote down the address of the slip of paper and held it out to Midoriya. 

"Now here's the catch." He said, taking another swig of his drink with his free hand. "You'll have to give me equivalent information about U.A if you want this piece of paper. Who knows, if what you give me tonight is worth it I might even tell you what section of the building she's in.". 

Midoriya swallowed. He needed that information. 

"What do you want to know?" 


Ooh a double update I love hyper focusing on one singular story to the point I ignore everything around me!


But seriously I was so hyped I couldn't wait to release these at separate times. 

BTW I know I said that TXT was the unofficial soundtrack for this fic but you might want to prepare yourself for the next chapter by listening to the demo version of Love Talk by wayv if you know what I mean 👀👀 

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