26: When It Burns To The Ground

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While Jun was distracted watching the fight, a hero made their way over to him. "Oi, kid. Over here." They called out. He spun around, his quirk readying itself for an attack. 

It was Vlad King. Jun was legitimately surprised, even more so when he realized that the pro hero must remember him. 

"I'm going to take out Vlad King. Be on the lookout for more U.A staff member." Jun said softly into his intercom. 

"Vlad King?" Shigaraki replied, "You mean that guy you lost too at the training camp? ". Jun huffed and rolled his eyes. The villain watched with calculated eyes as the hero approached. 

"I don't want to fight you." Vlad King announced. Jun's brow furrowed but he waited. There might be something to this heroes madness. If there wasn't he'd just kill him. "Jun, you're 15." The hero began, "You're too young to do this. Your entire life lies ahead of you, don't ruin it like this.". 

"This is my entire life." The villain shot back, "There's nothing else worth living for.". It was funny. Jun could see the snow falling around him, but it turned to water from the heat of the fire fight behind him. Ha. Get it? Fire fight, 'cause they're shooting literal fire at each other and not guns? 

"It doesn't have to be your life. Have you thought about what comes after this? What happens when you're 20? 30? 40? You'll get arrested and spend those years in jail! That's a horrible existence." The hero explained. Jun rolled his eyes. 

"I'll be dead by then." He announced coolly. It wasn't a lie. He really thought he would be. Especially with how risky he had been these past few months. 

"I thought I would be too, once upon a time." Vlad King said with a slight smile, there was a bitter twinge to it though that betrayed his true feeling. "I was just like you. Driven to the brink, hanging around the wrong people, but with enough support I was able to change that.". 

A particularly loud blast sounded behind them. "You don't know shit about my situation!" Jun shouted back at him, tendrils of pink goo were at the ready, not liking how close Vlad was standing. 

"I do!" The hero shouted, sounding a little exasperated. "They said your quirk was gross. You were bullied and treated like trash. You probably thought it would be easier to just become a villain so at least then you'd have some power over them. I've been there, I know how it feels!". The last bit sounded hoarse, like the confession had been ripped from the man's throat. 

Jun didn't want to admit it, but he had hit the nail on the head. "The league, they're promising you power, everyone knows that. But I know what you really want from them." The hero continued. "You want a family and acceptance.". The man looked a little teary, "And they've given you that.". 

The villain nodded solemnly. They were his family, the only real family he'd ever had. "I'm not asking you to stop loving them." Vlad King said, his expression pained, "I'm just asking you to think of yourself. Its not wrong to do. Its not abandonment. Please.". 

"I've killed 2 people since the night started." Jun said, his expression unreadable. "No one else will want to be my family and I don't want anyone else. They're it for me.". 

It seemed that a couple of nearby heroes had had it with their little negotiation. They jumped in-between the pair and lunched at Jun, one firing his quirk which seemed to be water from a few meters away.  

Jun wasted no time taking care of them. Steams of pink collided with the heroes without Jun so much as lifting a finger. They climbed up their legs and arms, wrapping around them like a snake would a mouse. 

Strangulation wasn't a pretty way to go, but it was more humane than other things Jun could do. He supposed that this brought the night's kill count to 5. 

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