6: But Its Kinda Funny

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"So you're what, a pink sewer creature?" Bakugou asked loudly, desperately trying to get another league member into the room. As much as he didn't want to think about it, right now there was safety in having more than one villain in the room. This kid looked a little unhinged and he might actually get killed if this conversation continued. 

"Nah, I just like harassing people and you're kinda stuck in one place. What an easy target." Jun smiled, retracting the slime from Katsuki's throat. "So, what's so appealing about being a hero.". 

"Easy. Heroes always win." Katsuki said, no hesitation in his voice. "I see." Jun said, his voice overly innocent, "So if I tried to strangle you right now, a hero would burst through the door? Because they always win right?".

"You little-" The hero student shouted, shaking his restraints. Jun just laughed at his angry expression. "You're cute, Katsuki." He commented, his eyes crinkling at the corners, "Like an angry little hedgehog.". 

Bakugou nearly growled at that, making enough noise to wake the entire neighborhood. It actually did draw Dabi towards the main room, suspicious of all the commotion. When he noticed it was Jun talking to the captive, he stayed just out of sight, curious at how their newest member would handle the situation. 

"You could still be a hero and work for us." Jun said, spinning around on the bar stool. "Just two time 'em. You could make yourself incredibly powerful that way. Set up battles and win them all the time. Think of the attention that would get you.". 

Dabi's eyes widened. He had always thought, not that he meant any offense by this, but he had always thought Jun was the violent and dumb type. Like all he really cared about was the thrill of violence. This was the sort of suggestion Jun just might be able to get ego driven Bakugou to accept. Maybe Jun was craftier than he'd thought. 

Bakugou himself didn't seem that enthused about the idea, saying something about how he could win either way. Jun just laughed and leaned in so the teen's noses were nearly touching. He said something that had the hero student sputtering, whether it was with rage or embarrassment Dabi couldn't tell. 

When the rest of Jun's body moved closer to the restrained hero brat, Dabi's heart dropped. Nope, nope, nope. This was going too far. Without a second thought he barged into the main room and grabbed Jun by his shirt collar, hauling him off the hero student. 

"That's enough." He said sternly, glaring down at the teen. Bakugou still looked furious and Jun just looked annoyed. Dabi himself was livid. He physically dragged Jun out of the room, throwing the younger into his bedroom. 

Jun landed in a heap on the floor, still incredibly confused as to what the problem was. "Jun," Dabi began, his voice severe, "I know what you were trying to do there, and it absolutely not okay.". 

"What's not okay?" Jun asked, a little frustrated. Dabi rolled his eyes. "Mizuno Jun," He began, pulling out the full name. He needed to. Dabi needed the emphasis. "Never, and I mean never, offer yourself for something. We're villains, I get that. We lend ourselves to some fucked up shit, but not that. You're too young.". 

The younger teen just scoffed. "You don't even know what my plan was." He said defiantly. Dabi resisted the urge to scream at him. 

"You're too young, end of story." He finished. "This isn't a discussion, this isn't a debate. You are not a commodity. Doing stuff like that is setting yourself up to get hurt or to get someone else hurt.". 

Jun wanted to argue back, he really did, but he also wanted to listen to Dabi. Maybe he had taken it a step to far, but if it had worked  then they would have gained a great asset. "Fine." He grumbled. 

Try-Hard (BNHA x Male OC)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt