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(Year 832)

"What are you talking about?" Aera asked nervously.

"That necklace..... Did you steal it?" The woman sternly questioned.


"Come with me!" The woman pulled her into the carriage as Aera yelled "Let me go!"

"Listen, child. You don't know who you're talking to." The woman said intimidatingly as Aera raises her eyebrows. She forced Aera to go to the carriage.

Aera kept yelling and shouting, ordering the mysterious woman to let her go but the woman wrapped her mouth using a cloth to shut her up. She was terrified.

She does not know where in the world she is going, she was handcuffed also afterward. She gave up shouting afterward. The woman's appearance was creeping her out. Though she was beautiful but her eyes were very haunting.

"We are here." The woman stated as the carriage stopped. She guided Aera to exit the carriage.

"Now's my chance," Aera said under her breath. She swiftly runs away until the woman reacted swiftly then held her grip on Aera's wrist.

"Gah," Aera grunted as the woman guides her to a grand estate. They both entered a room, full of middle-aged men having a meeting

The woman pushed her, resulting in Aera to fall on the floor.

"What is the meaning of this?!"


"This girl currently has the founder's amulet. I believed she's from beyond the Walls." The woman stated as all men widened their eyes.

An old man approaches Aera with glowing purple eyes and questioned her "What is your name?"

"Aera, Aera Jaeger."

"Tell us, Jaeger. Where did you get that amulet of yours?" A woman with glowing golden eyes questioned the girl.

She look down onto her necklace and gripped it tight and did not dare to answer the woman's question.

"My mother gave it to me." said the ashen-haired as both of the people who questioned her exchanged glances.

In Aera's point of view, two people, who were currently talking to her have seemingly extraordinary eyes. For her, they looked being controlled by someone except to a petite man next to the purple-eyed, his eyes were only pure blue. The room was dark and gloomy, there were three people in front of her and four people at the back listening to their conversation.

A petite man kneeled in front of the girl and asked. "Is your mother....a Royal?"

Aera kept silent and gulped after the question as she remembered her mother's last words.

"No matter what form I take, I promise I'll come and find you"

She slightly clenches her teeth and her fist on her skirt. "She was..." Aera answered.

"I assume that you descended from the Royal family and hailed from beyond the Walls, as well, yes? The woman with golden eyes asked intimidatingly as she crosses her arms. She was the one who found Aera alone in the streets, the amulet she was wearing caught her eye.

The woman with golden eyes brought her to the Royal Capital in Wall Sheena to consult Aera with her brothers, the ministries, and the council.

"Tell us what happened. How did you get here? Where you came from?" The man with purple eyes questioned the girl. Aera exhaled and held her as an amulet.

"I was born from beyond the Walls on an internment zone in Marley with my family. As long as I can remember, My parents were members of an Eldian group who are against the government and plots to retake and use the Founding Titan to destroy Marley."

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