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(Year 846)

"People of Wall Sina! The Royal government now seeks volunteers to hunt Vivienne Reiss down. To those who can capture the Duchess....will be rewarded!" A soldier shouted as people began to gather to listen.

"They haven't captured her yet?"

"Why does the royal government want her so much?"

"When will this madness end...?"

"How dangerous is this woman?!"

People started blabbering about the Duchess until the soldier in front of them yelled in vexation "Silence!"

"Excuse me, sir? Is grand Duchess Vivienne Reiss absconding something from the Royal government?" A reporter questioned as the soldier starts to sweat like beads.

"Is it true that Vivienne Reiss is a threat to humanity compared to the Titans?" Another reporter questioned as the people's chattering starts to get loud. The soldier wore a distressed expression when people started throwing him questions. While in the latter, Aera was in the alley, wearing a cloak with a hood on her head, blending in with the other peasants. But her tall demeanor is such that she dwarfs the peasants around her. After a moment later, the peasants kept asking questions to the poor soldier, Aera decided to leave then proceeds her way to the alley as Delphi from above the sky clandestinely follows her.

It's been months, She received word from Kenny that Historia Reiss is now named Christa Lenz. He told her that the Royal Council forces her to join the Scouting Legion just to result her death. If Historia dies, Aera could be the heir to the throne. Though, she would never let that happen. She stood there in an empty alley, alone, thinking about something to prevent Historia from harm as Delphi sits on her left shoulder.

"I can't let her die...." Aera said blankly, looking down with golden eyes. She does not want her t die, not because of her personal feelings, she wants her to live so that she will inherit the throne instead of her. While thinking, she sensed footsteps coming towards her. Aera quickly lean on the wall as her hood covered her face. She could feel the person starts coming closer to her, even closer. The person first took a glimpse at her sapphire amulet then immediately tries to snatch the jewelry until Aera pushed her to the ground.

"Get away from me and leave me be!" Aera exclaimed, looking down at the girl with raging golden eyes. The girl had brunette-haired and brown eyes, Aera look into the girl's eyes and saw her future, being devoured by one of the Marley warriors. She can sense that she's a shifter, The Jaw Titan was within her. Aera slightly widens her eyes as she lifts her chin. She could see this girl has been through a lot. The girl has been a Pure Titan for 60 years, she devoured one of the Marley warriors, who possessed the power of the Jaw Titan.

"Why do you have that amulet?! Where the hell did you get that?!" The brunette girl exclaimed, still sitting on the ground as Aera stood there with golden eyes, remaining silent. "Ymir..." She called her with a stoic tone as the brunette widens her eyes then gritted her teeth with anger and asked "H-How do you know my name?!"

"Life has been so unkind to you, isn't it?" Aera eluded her question, wearing a wistful smile without showing her teeth. The brunette's voice hitched after hearing that question but shook her head, managing to wear a furious expression. Aera could tell she's more likely 13 or 16 years old, which means she had the right to call her "Child" like her past holders use to call her.

"Answer my question! Where did you get that amulet? It belongs to someone else!" The brunette exclaimed as she pointed at the Founder's Amulet. "And how the hell did you know my name!" She yelled again as Aera kept silent until she unveils her hood to reveal her identity. The brunette widened her eyes when she saw her face.

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