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(Year 846)

"We've been searching for her for a year, you're majesty. We've lost a lot of men every month, perhaps we should start sending fewer men next month or we could leave the Duchess alone." A soldier said, bowing in front of the 'Fake' King as the Royal Council look at him in disturb.

"Leave her alone? Walls no!" One of the council said exclaimed, slamming his fist on his armchair as the soldier flinched while 'Fake' King remained silent, resting his elbows on his throne.

"Not being rude to ask. Why send us all to an average criminal? She killed people, yes but there are plenty of people, who had made far more worst than her." The soldier gulped as the Council raises their eyebrows. They were aware that the Military Police still doesn't have a clue why they were sent to kill the Duchess. They wouldn't tell anyone about Aera's real identity and their reason to capture her. People in the Walls start to think that the Royal Government is out of their minds because they sent their soldiers to capture some girl but the truth is that she's not just some girl. The Girl that they are currently looking for, is absconding the truth of the Titans and is plotting something dangerous than the people of the walls imagined.

"Commander Nile Dok, can you describe what the Duchess does?" One of the Council asked with intimidating eyes as the soldier starts to sweat in beads.

"Uh-she kills." He answered as the 'Fake' King slightly turned asleep while the Royal Council lifted their chin with straight faces.

"Exactly! In what way?" One of the Council asked, side-eyeing the commander remembered the scene, where he witnessed his comrades being shot in the head by Aera. He pressed his lips and clenches his fist and stated "Like a...monster."

"Your duty is to arrest monsters like her, Commander Dok. Keep searching for her and you'll be rewarded. You're dismissed." One of the Council said as Nile exhaled "Yes, sir." He bowed then leaves the throne room with a distraught face. Nile Dok, Commander of the Military Police. Every month, he always witness his men being butchered by Aera. Those bloody corpses that he had seen kept coming back to his mind, which made him puke.

"Commander! You alright?" His comrade asked as he remained silent, wiping his mouth in vexation. "And sir! Commander Erwin asks for your presence." He said as Nile's eyes lit up.

"He's waiting in your office." His comrade said as he lift him. "Yeah, thanks, cadet," Nile said as he made his way to his office as the cadet saluted.

There in his office, he saw a blonde man waiting for him, standing tall. "What brings you here?" He asked the scout as he kept a straight face. "One year and you still haven't capture the most wanted being in the walls, go figures." His friend stated with a stoic expression.

"Says the guy, who hasn't learned anything about the Titans after several expeditions." Nile scoffs with clenched teeth as the blonde shook his head.

"What do you want, Erwin?" He asked his friend stoically as the blonde faces him.

"This person you are looking for. I reckon she has something to do with the Titans." Erwin said as Nile raises his eyebrows "No, she's not." He said passing by him to reach for his desk.

"Just a Criminal" He stated as Erwin crosses his arms. "Then why does the government desperately wants her."

"I told you. I do not know. She had killed 80% of my men for only a year. No matter how many times I try to ask them about it, they always find ways to avoid my questions." He said as the blonde looked at the ground, thinking about something.

"And Who knows? The Captain of the interior squad knows more about her than anyone since he was her former escort." He added as Erwin raises his eyebrows.

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