Chapter 23~Help

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(TW: Blood, gore, lost insanity)

Tubbo's POV

After that night, I havent stopped coming back and forth to his cell bringing some water and a snack for him everyday at 12 midnight to have a chat and talk so he doesnt lose his sanity by these fucks. Dream also came sometimes to talk but he is mostly focused on how to sabotage Marcus's plans.

We arent allowed to go outside because he knows that we would immediately tell the plan to Tommy, Techno and Phil. I was able to sneak and steal snacks for Wil but I couldnt get much furthur as one of them have hacked into the security cameras around these parts accept the store.

I once have accidentally bumped into someone when I was going to Wilbur again but she turns out to be on our side thankfully. Wilbur recognized her as Niki so from that point on, me and Niki came to visit Wilbur everyday.

But the situation got more and more worst for him, they started to use to materials that Dream told them when he was hypnotized at the meeting. I once considered about breaking him free from the cell but it was too risky. All we can do is just hold on to him and cant let him fall of the cliff, we're his only hope.

But something came up just 4 days before Marcus's plan is going to happen and we couldnt visit him for two days straight. There are guards all around within the two days and we didnt want to risk getting to him and getting caught so we just slept the night through.

But when we came back to him after the two days, he...was acting different.

*23 December*

"Wil! Wil! We're back! We're back. Here's some...snacks...W-Wil?"

"Wilbur? Are you okay?" Niki asked concerned of why he wasnt moving from his spot in the corner. I know he was awake as he was drawing with a stick to the sandy ground.

"You left me..." he muttered blood dripping down his lips

"'re not supposed to talk remember? Your throat is still healing." Niki said

"You left me." He repeated again now holding the stick firmly.

"We didnt mean to, there are guards almost everywhere." I said

"But they left in 11:45 pm." Wilbur said

"Wait they did?" I asked

"Thats what your watch told me." Wilbur said turning to us now freakily, "So why did you guys leave me...?"

"We- we didnt know they left in 11:45." Niki said

Wilbur didnt say anything for a long time before he began moving to the light which is when we saw that he is in shambles. His face is covered with fresh blood with cuts, his arms and legs have bruises and burns and cuts. He has a glass shard stabbed to his shoulder.

We were both speechless. What did they do to him?

"*gasp* Wha- what h-h-happened?" I finally managed to say

"Why...? Why did you leave me when I needed you most...?" Wilbur's voice cracked

"We didnt know. I swear! I swear on everything. We didnt know." I swore

"*scoff* hehehehe- *cough* *cough* *cough* hehe. Its alright, I forgive you. Because why would you want to be there for me anyway?! No one wants to be there for me! Not my friends, not the society and not even my biological family! Proven in my old songs and my diary that I had threw away since it is bullshit." Wilbur exclaimed

"Wil...are you alright...?" I asked hesitantly

"Of course I am, why wouldnt I be? *cough* *cough*" Wilbur said with a wide smile as all the blood spilled out of his mouth.

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