(Part 28)

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I watch Anthony tense and relax several times as I tease him. He's trying not to reach out, I can tell by how his hands are clenched into fists. I don't completely understand why he's holding back, I'm more then willing to let him touch me. I watch him swallow, he had said maybe he did want more, I didn't full believe that. But I could be wrong, maybe he did want a relationship. Did I? Not really. I have been alone for so long, and I've gotten used to it. Sure I've had my aunt and a few "work" colleagues, they weren't close relationships though. I never shared intimate thoughts or details of my life with them, they knew the basics and never more.

"I'm not sure if I would be good for a relationship." I admit to him, leaning forward a little more putting our faces only a handful of inches away. He leans in a little, bringing his hand up to run his knuckle softly on my chin.

A shuffling sound catches my attention, barley there, outside in what I'd guess is the main room. Anthony doesn't seem to hear it, the shuffling I'm quickly picking up to be foot steps. Anthony is moving a little closer, I tilt my head and his face finds my neck. I grab his hand as it unfurls to cup my face. I hear something else, the whisper of voices, to far to hear who's talking let alone whats being said.

Anthony moves to grab my face tighter, bringing his face up to mine. I have to stop his motions and say in a very low whisper. "There are people here."

This gets his attention and he jerks himself away, I move, slipping my backpack off and putting it under the desk. I didn't want the extra bulk when dealing with live people when I didn't know about their intentions. I pull out a throwing knife just in case, palming it just behind my body as I quickly and quietly move out of the office. With Anthony behind me I move up to the edge of the main office area, hearing the footsteps a little farther I slowly make my way into the entry room.

There's a man between the middle school and high school entry rooms, facing into the high school, a few steps into that entry way. I move closer, noting the dirty flannel he's wearing one shoulder of it hanging down to show a stained white tank top. He has on ratty boots, warn dirty jeans and a older hunting shot gun in his hands. He keeps shuffling, his shoulder moving up to rub the side of his face. If I had to guess by the gaunt look, the ashy skin with the very patchy, messy hair, I'd guess hes on something or addicted to something.

"We are just here to help people who want the help." I hear Mato say in a way to calm voice. I've heard him with a monotone voice, a angry voice, this was neither of those. It was a calm soothing sort of voice, one you'd use with a person on the edge.

"We dunt want no help." The accent is thick with the person talking. The definition of a southern backwoods accent. I heard him give a loud sniff and spit to the side. "S'pecially from some mil-ah-tree asshole."

"Then we can both go our own ways." Mato says.

I hear a tsking and a boyish creepy laughter. I don't think that was from the man talking, and it wasn't from the man in front of me. A third man maybe? I motion for Anthony, pointing to him and then the man in front of me and signing. 'Hold him?'

I made a finger gun up to my head and put my forearm around my neck for good measure, he nodded getting the idea. I would do it but the guy is pushing six foot, to tall for me to effectively hold him hostage. The man from before begins speaking as Anthony and I switch spots. "Nah, the way I sees it, there be more of us then you. We just gon' take your shit and maybe well let yous live."

I had to roll my eyes at that. So original.

Anthony jumped out, grabbing the man around the neck in a choke hold and held his handgun to his temple. At the same moment he jumped out I moved around the edge, pointing my own gun at the man across the room from us. I speak loudly and clearly before these ass hats can freak out. "No one move, no one shoot a gun."

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