(Part 32)

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"Going to breach and clear?" I ask as we pull up around the hospital building. Anthony has one hand on my lower back, the other on my thigh farthest from him to hold me still on his lap. Between the winding roads and bumps I had moved a lot, okay not only because of the road conditions. I liked to tease. He never disagreed on me sitting in his lap, never told me to move off so I took advantage.

"I think the smart thing would be to make noise outside the building or in the main lobby and wait to see what comes to us." Micah says with a ghost of a smile on his face. He keeps glancing over at me, mostly when I had moved and made Anthony grunt.

"Good idea." I say then point to the two ambo's as we come around the corner. "We should just fill those up and take them."

"And a second good idea." Micah says laughing a little. We had planned on finding trucks to haul stuff, but the ambo's would work great.

Anthony nudges me then points to the nursing home just up the hill. It takes me a second then I remember. "Oh there are buses we can take too."

"After we clear the building we can start on the moving things out process." Micah manages to find a spot to park, Blair who is driving the other car parks next to us. We all get out of the cars head over to the back entrance of the hospital. Blair and I take the lead, me with my knife and big pistol, a silencer making it just that much longer. Blair has a wooden baseball bat she had put large nails through, a M4 on her back and pistol on her hip. The other's had similar M4's out behind us, they had wanted to come extra prepared. The hospital would be a huge bonus of stuff that we would need in the future.

The back entrance is large, with a large desk in the middle there's large hallways going off to either side. There's a wall a bit behind the desk, a door on either side of the desk, and vending machines on either side of the room. Micah has us split with me taking the right door while Blair takes the left, we open the tempered glass doors at the same time and pop through so the gunners could be in the door frame. This room is almost a mirror of the back intake, a half circle desk just to my left between Blair and I, some more vending machines along the walls but this one has a lot of seating. I only manage to see the beginning of movement before Blair swings at a figure in one of the chairs. Bashing the zombies head in, I move forward as another starts to move and bury my knife into the back of its skull.

Blair and I move through the other three zombies quickly while the other's watched the halls. Once the immediate threat is done, Mich splits us again. Blair, Milo and Ajax move to the back entrance room, we prop open the doors, Micah and Anthony stay with me at the front entrance. Micah pulls a small speaker from his bag, connects it to a cell phone and starts up some music, the sound getting louder slowly as he turns it up to its limit. Infected start wandering in, Micah and Anthony let me handle them if its just one or two at a time, taking shots at a few as they get to thick for me to handle. With the thunks of a bat and the few pops I hear, they are doing the same thing on the other side of the wall. After about a dozen and a half that come shambling out, I can hear banging in the distance, things tipping over every once in awhile but nothing else comes out of the hall.

Micah stops the music after half a song goes by and we don't see anymore coming out from the halls. We going into the back room to see about the same amount of zombies that they've taken out. Micah nods to them. "The north end looked smaller from the outside, lets clear that half first."

"Copy." Blair and Ajax say at the same time, Milo and Anthony just nod. Micah turns towards the back hall and signals us to take point. No splitting up this time, good idea.

Brandy Creek (Book One Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora