(Part 37)

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Pleading was not something I normally did. Pleading for a orgasm was defiantly something I've never done. I did though, I pleaded for Mato not to leave me on the edge, he just gave me a smug smile and left. My legs were numb, so by time I actually got out of my room he was gone. I stew in my anger that he would leave me all worked up, after a few minutes I move to the large tub and take care of myself. Coming down from a high of orgasm I let what he actual said run through my head and I heavily debate on running. Not only was I hesitant in even thinking about dating one guy, all of them wanted to be in my life. Was it just for sex? Or for a real relationship? Mato had used the words care for, care for me?

I was so confused.

I was also scared of the commitment they wanted, but its not like regular dating. It would be with multiple different men. Seven of them to be exact. I mean it would be a wet dream for most women who liked men. Plus I don't really know them, and the only real thing they know about me is that I'm a killer. I don't know why they would want to try to have something more then a friends with benefits thing with me. Maybe its just the fact that everything in the world is going to shit, and I'm someone they don't really have to worry about dying at the first sign of trouble. I'm so conflicted about what Mato said. And about my own feelings.

Giving myself a hour in the large tub I try to relax myself and think about my options. To try to have something with these guys or to go off with myself and just stay somewhat friends with them. I think I knew what I'd choose, I just needed time to process my choice. I get out of the tub, put the highlighter green set back on and add a pair of tie dye sweatpants. I picked out a new pair of shoes that I brought home for myself, white with rainbow detailing on the side. After makeup and weapons I head outside, I was to awake now to go back to sleep. I might as well get some food and explore the community some more.

I had gotten food, meet some more of the teachers thanks to Becca and had the two cops introduce themselves to me. I make my way out of the dinning hall, Casey finds me with a few of her new friends, mostly girls but two teenage boys tag along. I motion for Becca to follow me, I wanted to get some exercise in and they had shown interest in learning things. We start off in a walk around the hiking trail, grab some water and I start them off with basic stretching.

"Are we going to learn some fighting stuff today?" Becca asks, that gains the attention of the teens around us. They had mostly been talking among themselves, only copying my and Becca's movements.

"Today well start with stretching and flexibility."

She looked almost disappointed in that. "What use is flexibility when those things are going to come straight at us?"

"Flexibility and cardio might save your life in the future." I say back to her. "First thing to learn is how to out run what you need to, and then you may need to climb to get away. You'll need strength and the knowledge of your own body's limits to do it efficiently."

"I think shes right." Casey says from where shes sitting in the grass. We had picked a spot just behind the U-haul trucks across the street from the main buildings. "I've watched a bunch of zombie movies, a lot of people died because they were to tired from running or just couldn't get away."

"But were in the apocalypse right now, we don't have time for unimportant stuff." This is from one of the boys in the group, one of the girls nods in agreement with him.

I motion around us and look around to make a point. There are a few groups of people hustling off to their assigned jobs, a group of men going to the first U-haul to gather supply's from it. "It looks like we are in a position to learn the basic's today, we have a little time for everyone to at least learn the stretches. Do them in your own time and we can begin fight training sooner rather then later."

"Plus." Casey says. "We don't have a actual work out room yet, we should learn what we can for now."

The only other question from the crowd was why was I leading them in a work out. Becca shut them down with a question of her own, who was the one always going out, saving people and getting resources? Me that's who. So they followed me into what one girl called extreme yoga. I tested each of them, how far they could stretch or how long they could hold a position for. Taking note of who was doing the best and to compare in the future. When they don't complain for a whole forty minutes or so I decide to teach them a little bonus, but teach them what.

A few guys open one of the U-hauls and something catches my attention. I jog over and pull out a long wooden rod, probably a place marker for something but it would work perfectly. When the guy comes around I ask. "Are you guys using these?"

"Not at the moment." He says and nods to them. "Just try not to break them."

I take enough so everyone can have one of them, when I get back Becca helps me pass them out. They are just big enough around that my hand can barley fit around the girth, tall enough that its a few inches shorter then I am. "What are these for?"

"This is a bonus for following along." I answer her I hold it out in the middle and everyone follows along. "These aren't weighted perfectly and you might get a splinter but they will work as bo staffs for now. They'll help you control your arm and hand movements."

I begin in my right hand, twisting the staff and rolling my other hand over to grab it, twist and grab. Slowly to show them what I'm doing. "Find a comfortable way to stand, legs apart." I say moving my legs apart a little, they mirror me. "Slowly practice the movement of twisting the staff in your hands, only speed up when your more confident."

I have them practice for a little while to get them comfortable, then I have them reverse it. Then I have them do a simple move with one hand, spinning it in a sideways figure 8 leading with the back of their hand. When I have them start with the other hand Adam walks around one of the U-hauls, watches for a minute and motions for me. Splitting from the group I follow Adam over to the dinning hall and up to the office, my 300 is sitting neatly on his desk.

I pick it up and examine it there was a toxic sticker added to the stock, a silencer, and a smaller scope that's not the quite the same color pink as the gun, but close. Adam sits in his chair and motions for me to sit. "The sight is shorter range, the case for the gun is behind you, Tyler threw a longer ranged scope you can easily switch out with if you want."

No extra parts to change around for different scopes? Nice. "Tell him I said thank you."

I put the butt of the gun on the ground, leaning it against the desk as I lean forward to look over the small map of the camp grounds. Adam had a transparent piece of plastic over it, a expo marker next to it. He had been planning. "We are finishing up the chicken house and pen for the pigs. We're going to start cutting down trees here." He takes the marker and makes two lines cutting a path through the forest from the main road to the camp ground area. "And then were going to clear this area."

He makes a blob like circle around the small pair of squares that would be the camp site bathrooms. "Most of the trees are already cleared near there so it shouldn't take to long, its getting the stumps out and filling the holes that will take awhile."

"Do you want me to help with something there? I've never used a chainsaw." I say a little excitedly. I know how chainsaws work, but they are to loud and messy to use in anything I would have considered them for.

Adam shakes his head. "Were also going to be building a storage shed here." He makes a square between the path of the camp site and the area the trailers are. "I need you to get geared up because of all the noise that will be happening. If the wall crew has more then it can handle you need to drop what ever your doing and head over to them. Also if you could walk the wall every so often to make sure everything is fine."

"Just be on standby?" I question.

He shrugs and spreads his hands open over the desk. "Help in where ever you want, the kitchen is still processing a lot of the stuff you brought in. The gardeners are planting new crops. The builders and workers are doing the projects we already talked about. Just stay inside of the camp for today in case we need you for security."

Well.. at least I had the freedom to pick what I wanted to do today, I would just be stuck in camp with all of the men that were interest in me. A situation I am both happy and nervous about.

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