(Part 29)

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The wounds on the two men have been cauterized, not in the best way possible considering I had to sit on them and force the hot knife onto their wounds. They couldn't bleed out on me though, not yet. Anthony and Mato were in the background, watching out in case they had more friends out there. I look over the three men, the youngest one, Bobby would be the one to talk I knew that. The ring leader might talk but I wasn't sure if what he'd say would be truth. If I torture Bobby he might just cry and sniffle then talk, so I turn to Hank, the ring leader. At least I would get satisfaction on hurting this asshole, it would scare Bobby and Dale and one of them would talk.

Hank starts squirming as I move to his legs, standing with them between mine he try's kicking one of my legs. The movement from him is awkward, I move to my knees and sit just on his knees to keep his legs from moving. He freezes and I can see the confusion on his face, he hasn't opened his mouth since I've cauterized his wrist.

"Are there more of you?" I ask Hank. He doesn't speak so I go into my backpack and dig around for what I'm looking for. "I'm not asking so we can go hunt them down, I just want to know if we should expect to get shot at."

I pull a small pair of pliers out I look over to Hank showing him the pliers. "You can either talk to me or I can show you one of the reasons why I was put in prison."

It was technically true, one of the reasons they came after me so hard was because quite a few of the body's they had found were mutilated. They hadn't shared that part with the media though. With him not speaking I shove his injured hand to the ground, he of course starts fighting me. I stamp on his wrist with my foot and grab his other hand with my hands pulling it to my chest. I'm much stronger then people expect, but with his drug use and lack of care for himself, he's a lot weaker then most people I've dealt with.

"Yous a stupid bitch." He spits out, I give him a sweet smile. Forcing his hand open I dig the pliers under one of his fingernails and pull it. He lets out a screech of pain, the two men next me me are in shock, staring at me in horror. When I grab a second nail and pull they start whining and trying to move away.

The nail drops to the ground with a small splattering of blood. I go to pull a third nail, his ring finger nail. "You have ten nails I can pull Hank, then I'm sure we can find some teeth."

He's trying to wiggle free of me, I have to move his hand that I'm not using right now to between my thigh and calf, squeezing it. He try's to head butt me a few times, so I just head butt him, his head bouncing off the counter behind him and slows him as he's disoriented. My forehead hurts and I pull that third nail just out of frustration. A forth and the fifth quickly follow before I'm happy. I switch sides, pinning the bleeding hand between my thigh and calf and force open his other hand.

Before I start pulling I look into his snot covered red face and ask. "Should we do this hand or should we switch it up and go for one of your feet? Or if you really want I can pull a tooth."

He makes a whimpering sound, Mato has to come over and drag the other men over to where they were. Neither of them seem to want to fight for their friend, just want to run and save themselves. That might prove to be a issue.

Turning to face Bobby I ask him. "We can switch it up, finger nails, toe nails or teeth." He shrinks away from me and I smile again. "Or we can start breaking bones, every bone one at a time."

I make my point by grabbing Hanks index finger and pose it like I'm about to snap a small twig. When no one offers up any information I break it.

A few minutes goes by, Hank has started pleading with me. The other two keep trying to turn their heads as their friends nails are removed and then I pull a tooth. Mato has to hold their heads to face me, to see what I'm doing. I couldn't tell what he was thinking from the blank expression on his face, and I haven't looked over to Anthony in awhile. I needed to be in a certain head space for this, to see his judgement wouldn't be good for that. Mato's radio goes off just as I reach in to pull another tooth.

"Alpha one." Its Adams voice coming from his radio. He and I both had one, I had wondered if someone new was manning his or if it was just tuned in to be the same as Lex and I's.

"Will he not approve of this?" I ask Mato.

"If I explain he wont care." Mato answers then clicks on the radio. "Go for Alpha one."

Hank starts struggling and I pull a tooth. He screeches as Adams voice comes over the radio, Mato moves away. I still hear him. "Update on status?"

"A few men tried to rob me." Mato says into the radio even though Hank was still screaming, slightly gurgling with the amount of blood coming from where his teeth were. "I'm letting Spider handle it."

Mato moves out of the room, Anthony moves between the rooms to keep a eye on us both. I can't hear what ever Adam as to say now. Turning to Bobby and Dale I hold up the half rotted tooth and let it drop in front of Bobby. "I'll be honest, Hank here I'm going to kill. You two I'm not sure about. If you help us out I might not hurt you and probably let you go, you guys weren't talking shit. You were probably just following fuck wit over here."

I put a hand over Hanks mouth, bleed seeping between my fingers as he try's to speak to them. I stare down at Bobby's horrified face. He looks between me and Hank a few times then settles onto Hank. When he speaks its a small whisper. "I fuckin' hate you."

Well that's not at all what I was expecting. Hank jerks in my hold, I shove his head back into the counter wall. When I speak its for Bobby. "Tell me if there's anyone else we have to worry about."

After a few heartbeats Bobby finally nods. "My cousin is down in the cellar, holden them kids we found."

I have to slam Hanks head back again to keep him quite. Dale is curling up into a ball behind Bobby. Bobby is starting to get mad now looking at Hank. "This all your fuckin' fault. Yous got us them drugs and promised us.. we never wanted them but yous promised." He visibly shudders and shakes his head before looking to me. "We'd needed money for drugs, it was Billy's idea to sell the kids, the rest of us didn't want it."

"Sell what kids to who?" I ask him and he shakes his head looking to Hank.. or well Billy.

"We need dem drugs, I can feel my skin crawlin'." Dale says from behind Bobby.

I shake my head at them and ask. "Will your cousin stop us from getting those kids?"

Bobby considered me for a moment. "Will yous help em? Take them in and help em?"

"Your really asking that while you guys were going to sell them?" I ask. Unbelievable. Mato and Anthony decide to come in at that point, no doubt at least hearing what I have to say.

"Wasn't my idea." Bobby says anger flares on his face as he snaps his head towards Billy. I remove my hand from his mouth, moving my forearm to his neck I apply pressure choking him as he try's to fight me off.

"I'm going to kill Billy, after he's dead you'll have two options." I say looking back over to Bobby and Dale behind him. "Show us where the kids are and have your cousin come out peacefully, or die with Billy."

They both watched me, slowly choke out the fight of Billy. Strangling someone takes a long time, a lot longer then for them to go limp that's just them past out. I hold my forearm to his neck, Bobby's lip is trembling but I could see the hate for Billy written on his face. I don't know the history there, but I think he was going to play by our rules. Dale on the other hand, he was sobbing on his side, I don't know if he's crying because of Billy's death or fear for himself.

"What's your answer." Mato asks the two men.

Bobby slowly nods as Dale try's to make himself smaller. Bobby being the bigger person says. "I'll help yous if you take care of them. I don't like ta hurt kids. I didn't want to, Porter didn't like it none either. But Billy, Billy made us."

I could see the shudder run through his body. I actually felt bad for him, he really hated Billy or he was a great actor and a genius. I look over to Mato and he gives me a nod. "Well take them to the kids, if they cooperate with us we'll bring them all back to camp. Under supervision but well give them a chance."

I didn't really like the idea of bringing them back, but it was Mato's call not mine.

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