02 ―『 strawberry boy 』

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Chapter Two - Strawberry Boy.


"Where the fuck were you, y/n?!" Emma's loud voice echoed the moment I stepped inside the house. "I've been looking everywhere in the whole house for you just to find out from my brother that you went outside? In this stormy night?!"

I looked at her with a confused expression, before my gaze flew towards her older sibling who was innocently watching some cartoons on the tv. "You knew?"

Manjiro nodded, still not taking his eyes off the show. "I heard footsteps. I was also coincidentally planning to go out and buy food but then I saw you. Of course, I immediately knew you're hungry so I decided to just let you be, especially since I knew you're going to buy us some snacks. Is that right?" he concluded before standing up and took large steps towards us, taking away the plastic bag I was holding.

"Hey, wait!" I exclaimed. "Give me the ice cream first!"

"Jeez, the weather's so cold yet you still wanted to eat ice cream. You're scary."

After talking for a bit, Emma pulled me towards our room, leaving her brother downstairs. She pushed me towards my bed, my body bounced a bit at the impact. Before putting her hands on both sides of her waist.

"So tell me, what happened while you were on your way?" she asked, raising her eyebrow at me. "And don't tell me that nothing did because obviously from your expression right now, something big did happened."

I shook my head at her, touched at her being concerned. "Look, thank you for being worried. But nothing happened, okay? It was just so cold while I was walking on my way home, that's why I'm pale."

She stood silent, clearly not believing me. But since she had no choice and doesn't want to force me further, she could only let out a sigh in the end.

"I understand that you don't want to tell me. But please, do always be careful, okay?" I nodded before giving her a hug.

Now laying on my bed, I did nothing but stare through the ceiling's non-existent soul. Emma was already fast asleep, while my head was still clouded with the thoughts of that strange boy I just encountered earlier.

He was wearing a black mask, a reason why I didn't get the chance to see his face. But what caught my attention was his pink hair.

Its strands was dancing with the aggressive wind all whilst catching raindrops, gracefully trailing down to the strands' ends. It was shocking yet mesmerizing to look at. Did he dyed his hair? Was it natural? Wait, who even has natural pink hair?

But it looked tasty, though...

After the police car passed by, he immediately ran away and left me alone in that alley. I was too surprised to even lift my pinky. If it hadn't been for the scary thunder that suddenly gave me a jumpscare, I might've been sitting still at the same spot until now.

Though it didn't took long for me to shove those thoughts away before I faced my side and forcing myself to sleep. It was already 3am, and we still have classes at eight. I really need to sleep or else I might sleep in class. I don't want that.

Sunrise came, and I immediately scurried to get ready for school and wearing our uniform that I loathed the most. Emma and I came down together towards the kitchen as eggs and bacon were already served on the table, its tasty smell tingling our nostrils. Shinichiro was standing with a spatula on his hand, wearing a pink apron that almost made me laugh.

Arriving at school was nothing but normal. Students of familiar faces ran around the campus, teachers be minding their own business, outsiders taking a visit inside, it was like a daily cycle of what's happening in our school.

I took a seat beside the window which was my usual place (no clichè intended), Emma sat beside me but immediately stood up and ran outside when she saw Ken passing by our room, before running back to her seat when she lightly bumped with our teacher the moment she was about to step inside.

Classes immediately started. When history came, as expected, he made us get a sheet of paper for our long quiz. Emma, who was beside me, obviously had a problematic look on her face. She looked at my direction, hiding her face behind the test paper as she called my name with a whisper.

"Pst, y/n..."

I ignored her.

"Hey, y/n, huhu..."

Rolling my eyes, I looked at her. "If you just stopped being such a fangirl and studied, this quiz would be so easy for you."

She pouted at me, "But Ken-chin is more important..."

"No shit, Sherlock."

Even after a few minutes, she's still calling me, not even caring if she gets caught. All just for an answer.

I'm so done with her. I gave her my paper after I answered so she would shut up.

After school, she was jumping excitedly after getting our scores. She was clearly happier than I am when she's the one who literally copied all of my answers.

"OMG! You're the best, y/n!" She merrily danced. Clearly getting a perfect score was considered a miracle for her when it doesn't even faze me even for a bit anymore.

The sun was already setting while we're on our way home. When we walked passed the alley, I stopped, remembering that boy with pink locks last time.

Emma was now a few meters away when she stopped after noticing me not beside her.

"Y/n?" she called.

I was about to continue walking when a noticed shadow moving from the dark alley.

"Uhh... you can go home. I'll catch up later." I waved my hand at her. "Bye, see you later."

Girly was confused, but still bid her goodbyes before walking away.

My gaze went back to the shadow. My feet took steps towards the dark corner until his silhouette filled my sight. He was about to run away again if I hadn't held his sleeve to stop him. My other hand immediately went to his covered face, which caught him off-guard.

He was obviously surprised at my sudden move. But I was too worried about the visible bruises on the exposed parts of his face to even care.

"Are you alright? Why did you ran away last night?" I began tocbombard him with questions. "Look at you. Did you even put some oinments on your wounds?"

I was frustrated, and I don't even know why. My mind's in haywire. Maybe I just saw my younger self in him, that's why I'm worried to death like this right now. That's right... that's why I'm worried... only that and nothing else.

His left hand held mine that was caressing his cheek. My first thought was he's going to remove it, but it shocked me to see how he closed his eyes and sinking himself more onto my palm, letting my hand careess his face more as he puts pressure on both of our hands.

My heart was beating so fast that I almost forgot what I was about to say.

"H-hey, strawberry boy," I stuttered, cheeks burning in embarrassment. "Let's get you patched up. hmm?"



strawberry boy. - sanzu h. [ completed. ]Where stories live. Discover now