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" Hey Hoseok, how come you came early? You told me you woke up after I called you"

Seokjin took a seat beside Hoseok after throwing his friend's bag on the floor purposefully.

" Bitch it has my phone "

Hoseok screamed while trying to catch his backpack, clumsy of him only backpack left in his hand leaving everything including his mobile kissing the floor.

" Why don't you zip it up "?

Seokjin laughed looking at Hoseok losing patience, he kinda looks damn cute with those invisible dimples.

" I will kill you Jin"

" Oh try me bitch"

" I will kill both of you in my own hands "

A calm voice made them hold their laugh.

" His hands are not big enough to circle my neck."

Hoseok whispered as he picked up his stuff.

" Not even his neck Hoseoki "

" Let's not laugh, he might end up killing us."

Hoseok straightened his back after keeping his bag beside him and didn't forget to close the zip this time.

" Are you two my best friends!!?"

" Jimin ah come on the world also knows that now don't be dramatic"

Jin took the menu not even caring to make eye contact which made Jimin bite his lip out of annoyance.

" I want to eat duck heart today, order two of it, Jin "

After ordering Hoseok opened his mobile just to look at how many likes he got for his today's post. He took 20 minutes to get ready to take a selfie. He should get some hot replies too.

" How heartless Hoseok ah!!?"

" Bitch I am maintaining the food cycle "

" Isn't you becoming a pig nowadays!?? "

" Yah!!!!"

" You two, will you look at me? I am someone who needs love now"

Jimin punched the table but immediately regretted it, soon he held it up for both of them to blow.

" Happy birthday to me"

Jin blew at Jimin's hurt finger, he got the vibe of blowing a candle on a cake whenever he did this for Jimin.

" You both are neglecting me. Both of you will realize your mistakes when you mourn for my loss "

Jimin rubbed his little fingers which are red now.

" I don't like to wear black though I look hot in that. so let's not die Jimin"

Hoseok said making Jimin slap his head.

"Oh, stop being dramatic, will you tell us what happened?"

Jin took the tab and placed the order as he already knew what Jimin liked.

" Guys, that guy is going to come in 10 days. I am freaking out here, what will I do?? It seems this marriage will happen. My dad and mom look so excited, every day they will be talking about this only."

" I always knew you are the one first going to get married among us, the one who was always telling me I don't have any interest in marriage, I want to do a world tour, blah blah.. "

Hoseok laughed Jin nodded at him.

" Hoseok, I don't want to get married, really please do something guys ."

Seducing Mr. JEON [ Jinkook] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now