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Double update because I am jobless 🥱

Seokjin checked his RJ key chain before wearing his backpack. He remembered to keep the moisturizers, hats, and long-sleeved shirts, and also some of the most necessary things to work out his mission.

" You are looking so cute Seokjin"

Jimin giggled when he saw Seokjin flip his nonexistent mullet in response.

" Did you guys keep everything?? Don't complain you don't have things when we reach there. And remember we all leaving after telling thousands of lies, so remember all of it, so that our parents won't interrupt our 3-week trip-"

" We all remember it don't worry, Hoseok "

Jimin assured Hoseok while his eyes searched for his boyfriend. 2 weeks after their meeting, they became successful in making their parents believe they were going on a pre-wedding trip. Jimin and Yoongi both booked their hotel and rented a beach on the wedding day. As Yoongi wanted he paid the most, especially for their wedding dress and Jimin paid for their wedding night plan.

It's all perfect, Jimin and Yoongi are on the edge of saying 'I do'. And their friend's presence makes it some more special. Jimin hopes his parents will agree to his relationship with Yoongi. If not, he wants him to live the life he wants.

" You guys tell me everything is okay but in the end, I will be the one hearing complaints. I told you to send pics of those finalized beach places, but you forgot didn't you? And did you change the size? The suite was a little loose-"

" Hoseok, calm down. God, you are so cute when you get tensed. It's me getting married
not you "

" shut up, I still can't believe you are getting married in 2 weeks. And next will be our Jin"

Seokjin's eyes got wide, a wild hiccup came unintentionally.

" why are you involving me??"

"We both didn't forget you and Jungkook fucked in the car??"


Okay, people did take a double look making Seokjin lower his hat to cover his face.

" If that kiss would have been continued -"

" Will you please shut up, don't act like dumb "

Hoseok rolled his eyes before wearing his carrot bag, his sassy look was not helping.

" Dumb suites you better, the one who made the plan to seduce Jungkook now falls on his face for him."

" Jimin look at him, he promised he won't tease me"

Jimin has that 'I am done' face. Because he is done with them.

" Oh, you took half a day to spit it out what's happening "

" Because I was so confused, I looked like a home wrecker, dreaming over my best fiancee."

"At least agreeing you are whore for Jungkook"

Seokjin pulled Hoseok's precious bag and made fall on the floor making his friend lose his mind, it was Louis Vuitton!!

" Hoseok, stop teasing him. Okay, Jin now you found out that you like Jungkook, seeing him kissing you makes us believe he is also interested in you. So what's making you think this plan is going to be a good idea!!?"

Hoseok collected his bag from the floor, before jabbing Seokjin.

"It's not just planning, it's mission God!! I can't understand how his brain works. I mean 'seducing Jeon mission part two'. still can't recover from hearing that."

Seducing Mr. JEON [ Jinkook] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now