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Jungkook felt lost, for the third time in his life he wanted to run away. He accepted the defeat before fighting. It's so ugly, the ugly feeling taking over his mind and he can't do anything but accept it. He hates it when he feels helpless.

Jimin didn't join them tonight, and Jungkook left telling them he was not feeling great enough to join dinner. Seokjin did feel happy. Jungkook let him be. He wants to go back to the States, but his parents are coming here in 4 days and he doesn't know what to tell them. And the coward of him doesn't want to question Jimin. He hates his cowardly side.

Jungkook is always known as a competitor, he always likes to be the first one, taking everything as a challenge became his nature, and he made sure to win every challenge he faced in his life. So winning became a habit too. Maybe more than habit.

An addiction.

The first tumble he ever felt was when his mother left him, the one who always cared loved, and encouraged him. The one who always took care of him selflessly made him so courageous and became his backbone.

He was 11, it was so cruel. It was so soon. Jungkook stopped going to school, all his activities felt a burden and even eating and sleeping became difficult. He acted strong, though nobody asked for it. Because he was always cool. His mother liked him that way. But his father didn't buy his excuses and sent him to his grandparent's home, back in Korea for some time.

He never imagined his life was going to change after he came to Korea. His grandparents are the sweetest creatures in this world who left him recently. They took care of him for 6 months. At the hardest time of his life, they helped him, though he declined to receive it. He still can't understand why that 11-year-old boy was so adamant about not receiving anyone's compassion.

But his neighbors brought a lot of upheavals to his sad life. Jimin, Seok-jin, and Hoseok. They were all elders to him by one year and had their mini-group that anybody could be envied. Strangely Jungkook envied them too. He wasn't good at making friends and maintaining a friendship, as he never felt the need for it.

But Jimin came to him with a lot of kindness, which Jungkook never thought he needed. A 12-year-old boy looked so mature, so kind, and considerate. Though Jungkook didn't talk much, Jimin used to sit beside him whenever his grandparents used to call all the children for fun. Jimin is the one who introduced him to his mini-group. Hoseok was warm yet a little closed, but Seokjin was a closed book. And Jungkook didn't mind, he never bothered about others' thinking for him. Strangely the 11 years of him was a dream of many adults.

Jungkook still remembers those warm, tiny hands used to cup his face and tell him goodnight, warm giggles, the hug, and the first gift. Jungkook was drawn to Jimin. It may feel inappropriate considering their age, 11 years of Jungkook didn't give the name of adult love which he didn't know about, but he did want to feel the feeling for longer, maybe his circumstances made him feel that way.

Over the 6 months, he changed a lot. He let himself receive genuine comfort from others. He smiled a lot and talked a lot. But he understood everything to have an end in this world when he had to go back to the States, to his place, to his home. He didn't want to, but he knew he left so many things back there but now Korea felt too warm.

The last night he cried like the day he lost his mom, but he didn't tell anyone. He didn't know someday he was going to cry about someone's bad comment about him.

Seokjin. Kim Seok-jin.

" Jungkook ....."

12-year-old Seokjin came and ran into Jungkook's room. It surprised him considering they were not close for Jin to feel awful about Jungkook leaving Korea.

" Hyung "

" you...I hate you, I hate you so much. Why did you come here? Why?? I hate all of you "

" Seokjin Hyung!!!'

" you are so bad Jungkook...bad people are ugly and you are ugly, remember you are ugly. Nobody wants to stay with you "

And he ran, Jungkook felt so terrible, that he wanted to scream at Seokjin, tell his grandparents about him, and ask them to scold Jin. But the word ugly affected him very badly. People don't want to stay with him, because he is ugly??

No, It's Seokjin who is ugly to speak like that. Jungkook left Korea with hate for Seokjin in his heart and with a stream of tears on his cheeks.

It was around two weeks before he started his life again in the States, he received a message from Jimin, and just like that, his life lit up though it sounded dramatic.

He felt he had someone he could talk to, he could cry and smile with. Jimin became an oasis. His father's second marriage didn't bring much happiness to him. He became furious whenever his stepmom tried to do things in his mom's place. It's a dreadful fear of losing his mother's traces in their life. He couldn't express it. But Jimin listened to him and even made him understand many things.

Jungkook opened his phone, saved all those messages, and how many times he changed his phone.

The first-ever conversation between them.

" Hi, Jungkook. Hope you are doing fine there. Just wanted to check up on you."

" Jimin Hyung!!! "

" Yeah... How are you??"

" Hmm....doing well, how are you Hyung?"

" I am doing fine, how about your classes??"

As he scrolls down there are thousands of messages. He knows if he can count the times they talked over the phone it will surely cross thousands of hours too.

Jimin was there for him, he continued their friendship though they were miles apart. Jungkook liked Jimin when he was 12, no he didn't give the name of love at that time either. He enjoyed the time with Jimin.

He was 13 when he heard last from Jimin after that they lost the connection. Jimin's number died. All of a sudden there was no trace of Jimin in his life except for those messages. The second time he fell, he felt helpless. He wasn't sure how to approach it.

He was scared to ask his dad and to be honest, didn't want to hear from Jimin that he was no more interested in talking with him, though it sounded ridiculous to him.

So Jungkook accepted the silence from Jimin, but he never stopped liking him. He never stopped cherishing those moments. He came back to the conversation whenever he felt lost, mad, sad, frustrated, or anything... anything and it always comforted him. Over the years he understood he felt comfort in Jimin's presence. And he wanted it, for a long long time. He never got attracted to anyone though he was the center of attraction anywhere he went.

The imagined Jimin's silhouette became the subject of paintings unknowingly or knowingly. He loved Jimin in a way he could never explain. He can't understand many times. One day he stopped confronting it and he felt Peace when he accepted it.

When his father expressed thoughts about creating a relationship with Park's family, Jungkook did show his interest, surprising his father.

But now he feels he did wrong, without considering Jimin's feelings....rather he assumes Jimin is also in love with him. He was a little arrogant about that. Now he should talk to Jimin and accept however it is. Jimin is a human and his feelings matter, especially for Jungkook it matters the most. Though he might end up with a broken heart, it's not going to be intended and Jimin taught him how not to live as a broken person. So he will be okay. Maybe it takes time but he will be okay.

He is strong about getting heartbroken, he saw the shine of tears in Jimin's eyes when he was looking at the specific name on his mobile screen. Oh, Jimin looked like he could breathe finally and at the same time knew he was going to lose it soon.

Jimin looked in love. Hopelessly, if Jungkook is correct.


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