10.) "What happened?"

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Jezzabelle's POV

"You can't jump on him. He is really hurt" I told Josh as I walked upstairs towards Xander's room. He nodded and laid his head on my shoulder. I opened the door and frowned when I saw Xander on his computer. I sat Josh on the floor and walked over to him, I snatched the computer and slammed it shut. "What the hell?" he said, looking at me. "No working" I scolded him. He rolled his eyes and then turned his attention to Josh who was standing by the door. "Come here buddy" I said, he ran into my arms and looked at Xander. "Daddy," he said. Xander held his arms open and I carefully sat him in his lap. Josh hugged him and Xander kissed his head.

A couple minutes later I was sitting on the floor by the bed and Josh sitting by Xander on the bed. "Move in" I looked up at Xander and furrowed my eyebrows. "Move in with us," he said. I chuckled and stood up and sat beside him. "Are you sure?" I asked. He nodded, "I love you, Josh loves you, so why not move in" he said. I smiled, "Ok" I whispered. He smiled big and leaned forward kissing my cheek. "I love you my queen" he said in my ear, "And I love you my king" I said back.

"So mommy is going to stay forever" I looked at Josh and nodded. He giggled and jumped into my arms. "I love you mommy" he said, I kissed his head and rubbed his back, "I love you too" I said.

 "I love you mommy" he said, I kissed his head and rubbed his back, "I love you too" I said

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"Xander sit down" I scolded him. He huffed and sat back down on my couch. I was currently packing up my things to move to his house, but he wants to help. "Just let me do something, I can't just sit here" he grumbled. I shook my head and continued putting my kitchen appliances in a box. Josh was sitting by Xander on the couch watching bubble guppies.

"Ow" I winced when I accidentally poked myself with the end of the knife. Xander looked at me and I smiled sheepishly. He shook his head and turned back to the TV. He grabbed the remote and changed the channel to the news.

"Breaking news on prison escape." I looked back down at my work and picked up a bowl to wrap it before putting it in the box.

"Andrew Carlton escaped late last night and authorities are on the search." My head snapped up and my eyes widened when I saw his face on the screen. I heard a crash but ignored it. Keeping my eyes trained on the TV I started backing away. Tears filled my eyes and I ignored the stinging feeling in my feet.

"Belle" My eyes snapped towards the sound and I found a frantic looking Xander standing there. "Don't move," he instructed. I furrowed my brows and went to take a step forward. I hissed and stopped moving when I felt pain shoot through my foot. I looked down and gasped when I saw my feet bleeding and glass surrounding me.

Xander picked me up and carried me to the bathroom. He sat me on the counter and put my feet in the sink. I cried harder when he ran water over them. He rubbed my back and then cut off the water. After he doctored them up he stood between my legs and laid his hands on my waist. "What happened?" he asked softly. I looked down and fiddled with his shirt. "How about we talk later?" he asked. I nodded and laid my head on his shoulder. "Can you just hold me?" I whispered. He nodded and picked me up, I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

"I want everything packed up and sent to my house" he ordered one of his men. "Carl, pick up Josh and follow me," he instructed. "Yes boss," a man's voice replied. We walked outside and he went to put me down but I just tightened my grip on him. "Baby you have to get in your seat" he said to me. I shook my head and snuggled further into him. He sighed and walked around the car, he sat in the driver seat with me in his lap straddling him. He put the seatbelt over the both of us and turned the engine on.

Soon we arrived at home and he got out and carried me upstairs. One of his maids brought Josh in and out him to bed. Xander sat me on our bed and looked down at me. "Wanna talk?" he asked. I nodded and scooted back until my back was against the headboard. He stripped his shirt and crawled in next to me.

"Two years ago my mom met this guy on a dating website. He was really nice at first and he even moved in with us after 3 months of their relationship. He began drinking and he started to get mean and abusive. It got to the point where my mom would be covered in bruises. She never let him touch me but he always tried. Finally someone told the cops and he got locked up. I still remember his last words to us,'this is not over'" I told him. His eyes were dark and he pulled me against him. "Andrew Carlton?" he asked. I nodded and tears filled my eyes once again.

"No one will ever lay a finger on you or your mother. They will have to go through me first" he said. I smiled sadly and laid a kiss on his chest. "I love you" I whispered. He kissed my hair, "I love you too. Now sleep my love" he said rubbing my back. I did as he said and closed my eyes.

When I woke up Xander was not beside me

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When I woke up Xander was not beside me. I looked at the clock on the nightstand and it read 6:30 PM. I got up from bed and walked to the closet to change into something other than my blue jeans. Why did he let me sleep in these? I smiled a little when I saw all my clothes hanging in his closet. I grabbed an outfit and changed.

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen

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I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of water and went to the living room. I gasped when I saw about 30 men gathered around in a circle. All eyes turned towards me and I shrunk down. "Where is Xander?" I asked politely. I heard a couple of people gasp and little murmurs filled the room. I looked around and did not see Xander anywhere.

"Boss does not let anyone call him that." one of them said. I looked down and shuffled my feet. "Alright listen up" I heard his deep voice say from across the room. "We are on the hunt for Andrew Carlton, he just escaped prison and he hurt my queen and her family. If you find him, bring him here and to the cells" his powerful voice yelled. Everyone looked at each other and started whispering.

"You found your queen," someone asked. Xander looked at him, "yes and you treat her with as much respect as you treat me." he said. A chorus of 'yes sir' rang through the room. I raised my hand hoping he would notice me.

"Who the hell is raising their hand?" someone said. I put my hand down and squeezed through everybody. Once I got to the front Xander was turned from me typing on his phone. I tapped on his shoulder and everyone gasped. He turned around and his face softened when he saw me. "Hey baby" he said, picking me up. I wrapped myself around him and laid my head in his neck.

"Dismissed" he commanded and everyone scurried out of the room.

"Hungry," he asked. I nodded and he walked us to the kitchen. He sat me on the counter but I jumped off and started walking towards the door. "I am going to get Josh" I said walking upstairs. I went to his room and he was playing with his toys. "Let's go get dinner" I said, picking him up. He giggled as we walked downstairs.

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