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No, this isn't a new part. I apologize.

I've finally felt like I can post on here regarding Zayn leaving One Direction. I've been really down. Not in the crying sense, but in the sense that I wish I would have loved them sooner. I feel like I didn't get to love them 5/5 as long as I wanted to. I wish the best to you super fans who have been there from day one. However, I am thankful for the few months I got with them all together. I'm happy I fell in love with them before Zayn left.

I think we need to be respectful to each other and mostly to Zayn and the boys. They are taking it harder than we are and it's our jobs as fans to keep on loving them as they are. They are still just as talented as 4 and they love us just as much, if not more now. Enough to keep going and continue with this new journey they are on. We need to support Zayn for making a decision, we knew he was unhappy for a while. 

We also need to have faith in Harry, Niall, Liam, and Louis. They will still make wonderful music, hilarious music videos, and great shows. They still love us and are here for us, just like we need to be there for them.

This is not Perrie's fault at all. The pictures that were released of Zayn with a fan were clearly the straw that broke the camels back for him. That's partially social medias fault. So many people immediately jumped down his throat when the pictures hit the internet. Now they can focus on being together and getting married. At least we can be excited that we will hopefully get a full 5/5 picture for the wedding, right?

I just want to let you guys know, I am here for you. I know I haven't been in this bubble for very long, but I am very happy to be here. I've met so many wonderful people since I've fallen in love with these 5 idiots. It's introduced me to something to look forward to. Their music takes me out of my antagonizing headspace and I will never be able to thank them enough. 

I'm sorry if I just don''t feel like updating right now. I'm hoping I'll feel better this weekend. I can imagine everyone is taking things pretty hard right now.

We love you Zayn, you smashed it.

You can find me on:  (yes, there is no s) (send me a message first)

DEAR HARRY, | H.S.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant