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This book is about to get really smutty, really fast. You have my warning. Peace out lovelies. x


I could hear Harry bustling around in the kitchen. My thoughts are he was trying to make something for dinner with whatever I had. Which wasn't much. You don't find yourself grocery shopping very often when you work in a food job. Most of the time I'll only eat once or twice a day at work, then come home and have a snack or something before bed.

I stared in the mirror in the bathroom. My hair was wavy, just the way I hated it. I didn't feel like doing anything else to it. I had grabbed few items of clothing out of the dresser that I was putting on slowly. I still very dirty, I felt disgusting for everything I'd let myself be put through.

The yoga pants hugged my thighs as I pulled them up over my bottom. As I turned around finishing by throwing on an oversized t shirt, I took one more look in the mirror. This was Jake's shirt. He'd given it to me that one summer we spent up north for the fourth of July. I sighed heavily and ripped it off. I rummaged through the clothes hamper, but found nothing. I bit my lip, I didn't want to go back out there not clothed again, clearly making Harry uncomfortable. Even if it was for a few seconds.

As I walked the short distance to the door I tripped over a pile on the floor. Looking down I noticed a plain black tee. I picked it up and held it to my nose. Harry's scent filled my nostrils and I threw it on quickly, not even thinking about it. I couldn't even remember him changing from the first time he got here. Had he showered? Had he eaten much? I felt like quite the failure of a hostess.

The shirt bagged around me comfortably. Harry's scent pulsing calm vibes through my bones as I hugged myself, still trying to stay together. He wouldn't mind.

I messed up my hair a little bit more, finally giving up and accepting the look. Trying not to care who I was walking out to the kitchen right now. I took a deep breath and opened the door, clicking the small light off.

When I made my way down the small hallway, I noticed Crookshanks sitting on top of the counter, watching curiously as Harry moved back and forth between my oven and the counter; that had random foods scattered.

"Crooks, baby you know you're not supposed to be up there." I picked her up. She chirped as I placed her lightly back on the floor.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought that was allowed. Bad Crookshanks." Harry pointed a harmless finger towards her and she ran up to his legs, rubbing against them.

I snorted.

"What's for dinner?" I asked trying to look over Harry.

"Grilled cheese and tomato soup. Although there was only one lone can of tomato soup, so we will have to share." He said, still facing the stove.

I wasn't about to tell him I couldn't remember buying tomato soup. Luckily it came from a can and I was very positive it would be just fine. It was the milk he was about to add that was making me nervous.

"Maybe use water?" I piped up.

"Jamie, dearest you can't just use wa..." he began, but was cut off by the stench of the milk when he opened it. I cringed and then landed my head on the wall next to the kitchen.

"Dear god, woman. Do you ever go grocery shopping?" He laughed turning and throwing the expired milk in the garbage.

"I'm sorry. I guess I don't. I kind of just eat at work." I said walking further into the kitchen now.


When I turned to look at her, hoping to scold her more for having a disgusting empty kitchen, I was stopped dead in my tracks when she stood in front of me.

DEAR HARRY, | H.S.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin