Update May 2018

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First off, I am going to apologize - this is not a chapter.

But, before you go, I'd appreciate it if you heard me out.

My life has been hectic. I've been in a very bad place and usually writing can pull me out and at this point I can't rely on it to fix my problems. I have to rely on myself and what is best for me.

As of right now, Dear Harry is on a hiatus. 

(cheers if you're still reading btw)

My big plan has always been to publish it, obviously changing Harry's name, which will be revealed at a later date.

In fact, I plan on publishing some of it right here on Wattpad. I am not going to reveal the name/new title for copyright purposes, but it is coming. I know I've said that a lot in the past, but this is a plan that has been in my head for a very long time. I will post here when it is posted and although Dear Harry will not be updated, I hope you enjoy the chapters of the book I hope to publish in FULL PAPERBACK form someday soon.

My readers will be the first to know and I'd love it if I got the chance to sign copies for you and send them to you. Really, you guys are amazing and I appreciate everything you've done for me.

Are you still here? 


Thank you,  kind sir/madame.

I'd like to also let you know, not only because maybe if I publish it in writing I'll be more likely to succeed, that I have some life changes coming up.

I am transferring jobs (hopefully very soon) - don't let a toxic environment take up too much of your time, lord knows I've made this mistake TOO MANY times.

I am going to enroll in college. I am 26 years old and failed to go to college many times. I have to let go of the fact that it feels like I am too old and JUST DO IT. Stay in school kids, I swear it'll come back every time. I am done lying to myself saying "Sure, I'll go back to school someday." Someday is such an awful word that we use to tell ourselves we are being productive. BECAUSE I AM ABSOLUTELY NOT. 

I want to move out.

This is either going to be in my hometown, or if I am lucky enough to my boyfriends city.

I have made a lot of mistakes in my life and I always tell myself I'll do it when I have the money or the time. I know that if I tell myself that, there never will be a time.

Take this as advice. 

There will never be a right time.
The only thing that is certain is the day you are living right this second.
So go and just do it. Get it over with.

You are not a failure.
But you are absolutely ready to do whatever it is that you are thinking of doing.

Sometimes I don't take my own advice though.

I could be back here in a week and say HEY I FAILED, LOL. 


Thank you for your support. I appreciate every single one of you. I know you're probably pissed off if you've made it this far or you're inspired.

If you are inspired, I've done at least one thing right.
If you are pissed, I'd be too homie.

I still am around on social media when I can. Although someday it may go under construction completely.

Twitter: kstonewrites
Insta: kslikestowrite

You can yell at me there or message me on here. I can take it.

Thank you.
I love you.

DEAR HARRY, | H.S.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat