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        I felt my cheek brush up against a rough material. My eyes fluttered open to a pair of black jeans. I looked around the apartment, all the lights were still on even though it was clearly late in the morning. A huff made me jump and I turned my head to see a sleeping Harry above me. His head was laid back on the couch, he was lightly snoring. How is it possible that this human being can even sound beautiful when he's snoring? My eyes trailed down to his arm resting on my waist, I wasn't getting out of this position easily. I had one free arm that I raised to try to grab my phone off of the table. Successful, I grabbed it and hit the lock button.

        9 missed calls.
        22 text messages.

        Who died?

        I rolled my eyes and hit the messages first. They were all from Jake, it suddenly hit me. We were supposed to talk today about last night. I scrolled through the messages asking where I was, then hit ones saying that I probably went back to the bar. Or the ones that assumed I was sleeping at someone elses house.

        Then the last one.

        I'm coming over right now.

        "Shit" I whispered, dropping the phone on the floor.

        Harry jumped awake.

        "Shit." I said again.

        "Morning to you too." He said in the deepest voice I'd ever heard come out of him. I looked up to his face again, his head was hung over and he was rubbing his eye with the hand that wasn't still holding onto my waist.

        I didn't have time to catch up with the butterflies in my stomach while staring at how cute he was waking up before I heard the banging on the door.

        "Jamie! Open up, damnit." Jake said from the other end of the door.

        "Shit." Harry said looking around at our position.

       "You need to go into my closet." I whispered. For the first time ever, regretting the small studio apartment.

        Harry just nodded his head.

        I hated myself that he was in this position again, helping me lie to Jake. It wasn't fair. He'll be happy when he has to leave this stupid town and get the hell away from me and my endless drama.

        I brushed my shirt down over my yoga pants I had put on at some point before we fell asleep. Tried to smooth down my messy hair. I walked up to the door as soon as Harry gave me a thumbs up and closed the closet door.


      I bumped into a few things as I shut the closet door. What did you do to get yourself in this situation, Harry? You are hiding from a girls psycho boyfriend in a damn closet. 

        Eavesdropping was hard to control in a tiny apartment and paperthin walls. I listened as Jaked busted through the door, I could hear it hitting the wall.

        "Where have you been?" He asked angrily.

        "I'm sorry. I was sleeping." Jamie said calmly.

        Yes, sleeping on me.

        "You never sleep past nine. Even on drunk nights." They were both walking closer to the living area now, their voices getting louder.

DEAR HARRY, | H.S.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon