Chapter 2: The Accident

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Estello woke up from his nap in the car and looked around for a second before looking up and seeing a large stone arch that had the words "Hellman Hall" written underneath it.

"I meant it when I said it."

The car drove down a road that led to a large and extravagant mansion that was on the edge of a cliff.

"When a guy like me makes a promise like that, you don't take him to a place like this."

There was some kind of party going on at the mansion, because all the guests were dressed like they were from the 1800s. Estello's mother pulled into the driveway, and Estello looked out the window in excitement as awe.

"What is this place?" He asked, a huge grin on his face.

His mother didn't respond right away, so he turned to look at her, and saw that she was taking her necklace off.

"Wear it. It looks good." He complimented.

"Look better without, I think. Be yours one day. It's a family heirloom." She told him. "Will you mind it for me?"

"Really?" He asked, surprised, as his mother put the necklace on him.

"Come on, Buddy." Estello said, moving to get out of the car.

"Estello." Catherine said firmly.

"Serious voice." He whispered.

"Stay in the car. I won't be long." She instructed.

"Mum!" Estello whined.

"I need you to lie low." She grabbed the hat and put it on him.

"Lie low while wearing a hat?"

"Exactly. Love you." She kissed his cheek.

"Love you more." He replied.

His mother got out of the car, and walked away leaving Estello and Buddy alone in the car. Buddy started to growl a little.

"Don't worry, she'll be back soon." He assured him.

"I did try to lay low."

Estello looked out the window and gasped.

"Is that fur and chiffon? Into one gown?"

He opened the car door and stepped out, Buddy following close behind.

"But as you can see, I broke the promise. Just a little."

Estello snuck behind a car and peaked over to see his mother chatting with some bald man in a suit.

"I figured while mum was busy seeing her mysterious friend, I'd just take a little peek."

Estello slunk to a wall and peered around the corner, seeing caterers unloading things from a van and placing it on a clothed tray, giving him an idea.


A tray was wheeled in that was carrying a large cake. Estello peeked out from the tablecloth that was covering the cart.

"The problem was, that little peek pretty much blew my mind."

In the center of the main room, there were multiple models in beautiful gowns walking along a catwalk. Estello's mouth dropped in shock.

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