Chapter 9: Severed Friendships

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Back at the hideout, Horace, and Jasper were out with the Dalmatians. They had just finished  doing their business and Horace waved a meter detector over it, looking for the necklace.

"Getting anything?" Jasper asked.

"Come on!" Horace groaned.



"You know, I'm worried bout him." Jasper confessed.

"What, Estello? He's just playing his part for the grift." Horace explained. "But of you're really worried, we could have (Y/n) talk to him. He usually listens to her."



"Where's the beading for the dress?" The Baroness asked Estello as she walked into the work area.

"Ordered. Just waiting on the delivery woman." Estello rolled the dress over to his area.

(Y/n) walked in wearing a delivery uniform with her hair shoved up into a hat, and pushing a large crate.

"Oh, good day to you sir. Got some fashion items that are most fashionable." (Y/n) said teasingly to Estello.

"Thank you, most beautiful delivery woman." Estello teased back, making her blush and giggle.

(Y/n) opened the crate to reveal a bunch of beads. She glanced round the room, not noticing the Baroness observing them from her office.


The next day, everyone in the work room was gathered around the dress Estello made. Now that the beading was on it, it looked amazing. Estello had stayed up all night working on it.

The Baroness cut through the crowd and stared that the creation in awe.

"It's..." She began.

"Stunning." Estello finished for her.

"I've done it again. Let's go make history. I need a drink. Estello, come." The Baroness turned me left, Estello following behind her.


The Baroness and Estello were sitting in a restaurant, while a waiter was struggling to open a bottle of champagne. After a minute the Baroness grabbed it from him.

"Give it to me, for heaven's sake." She popped the cork off and it hit the waiter in the eye.

"Go." She snapped, pouring her and Estello a drink. She raised her glass in a toast. "Here's to me."

Estello scoffed, causing the Baroness to glance at him.

"Who the hell else would I drink to?" She asked.

"To Me?" Estello shrugged. "For creating your signature piece?"

"Your helpful to me, is all. As soon as you're not, you're dust."

"Inspiring talk. Thank you." Estello said sarcastically.

The Baroness glanced at him again. "You can't care about anyone else. Everyone else is an obstacle. You care what an obstacle wants or feels, you're dead. If I had cared about anyone or thing, I might have died like so many brilliant women with a drawer full of unseen genius and a heart full of sad bitterness. You have the talent for your own label. Whether you have the killer instinct is the big question."

The Baroness stabbed an olive with a toothpick and popped it on her mouth.

"I hope I do." Estello replied.

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