[13] Half Hearted Apologies

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Two Days Later

My boyfriend's face appears on the screen as his call rings in. I shouldn't answer it, but I do. "What do you want, Logan?"

"Addy, can I see you?"

He has some nerve asking me that. "I don't know. I'm still waiting on an apology."

"For what?"

"For ditching me! Did you somehow forget that overnight? You left your girlfriend stranded."

"You're fine now, right? Still alive?"

I roll my eyes. "Barely."

I can hear Logan's breath as he moves closer to the speaker and whispers, "Look, I don't want to fight. Please. I need to see you."

I don't say anything. Uncle Frank would kill me if I went to go see him. I tie up my laces and finish getting ready for school, standing in front of the mirror to brush my hair. I don't bother styling it and just twist it in a ponytail. He's still waiting for my answer. "What you did yesterday was really fucked up, Logan. You haven't even called in the past two days to see if I made it home okay."

He groans into the phone before spitting out, "I'm sorry, alright? I'm sorry for ditching you. It was a shitty thing to do."

My head's spinning from the circles we keep going round through. "Apology accepted."

"I'm just going through some shit and I need you, Ads. I need my girl. Can I swing by? I just want to talk and then we can go to school."

I check my phone. We have about forty-five minutes before school starts. "Fine. As long as we're just talking."


Maybe things are looking up now. "Alright. See you soon. I love—"

Logan hangs up.

Maybe not. I grab my backpack and head outside to wait for Logan. I sit on the steps just as Tyler passes me. "Come on. Let's go."

"Actually, Logan's picking me up."

Tyler laughs. "Oh, he is? I thought he only knew how to ditch."

"He apologized for that."

"I can be an asshole sometimes, but even I would never do that to a girl." Tyler stands at the driver's side and stares at me, waiting if I'm going to change my mind or not. "Besides, Logan never takes you to school. It's either me or Vanessa."

Shrugging I say, "Logan wants to talk. So, you can go."

Tyler waves. "Okay. See you, Addy." He gets in his car and leaves.

Seconds later Logan's car drives up and he parks at the end of the driveway. So typical. I stand up and tread down the driveway, tripping on dirt piles and loose rocks. I climb in his car and face forward, turning my knees towards the door. He starts driving. The car ride to school is quiet and we sit in the senior parking lot. He shuts off the engine and we take off our seatbelts.

I break the silence first. "You wanted to talk. So talk."

"What's with the attitude?" Logan snaps, glaring at me as he rests an arm on the steering wheel, new and shiny. I was right. "We're not even together five minutes and you're already digging on me. Don't you get what that does to a guy like me?"

"What do you mean, Logan? I just asked—"

He smacks the steering wheel hard. "And now you're interrupting me! I thought you respected me, Addy."

"I do, Logan. You're just so..." What's the right word? "Confusing."

He laughs, asking, "Confusing?"

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