[24] Cry Cry Cry

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The Next Day

Addy: I miss you, V. Please get back to me. I don't want to lose you.

Vanessa's still ignoring my texts. I wish she would be clear with me. Are we friends or not? I don't want to be strung along only to be cut off in the end. I put my phone screen-down on the desk and try to focus on the lesson. I want to pay attention, but I can't find the motivation to. As I look around the room, I see a guy peek at me and start whispering to his friend. I stare him down until he's uncomfortable and he spins around and sits forward. I sit in the back for a reason, I don't give anyone a chance to stare at my back and whisper behind it. Not anymore.

"Addy?" Mrs. Jenson taps on my desk. "Class is over."

"Huh?" I look around the now empty classroom and wonder how long I zoned out for. I didn't even hear the bell ring. "I'm sorry. I just—I was thinking."

She laughs. "I could tell. Something on your mind?"

"Is it that obvious?"

"Yes, just like those bruises." Mrs. Jenson gestures to my neck. "Something I need to report, Addy?"

I should've worn a scarf or a turtleneck. I shake my head and tell her, "No. It's been reported. Just an ex-boyfriend thing."

"Oh, I've had a few of those ex-boyfriend things."

"I'm sorry for not paying attention."

She heads back to her desk, saying, "Don't worry. It isn't anything you don't already know. You should probably get to detention before you're late, Addy."

"Mrs. Jenson?"



She walks back over and kneels to my eye level as I stare at the floor. "What is it, Addy?"

"There's a lot of things on my mind right now, so many heavy thoughts pressing in my brain, and I don't know what to do. I don't know what's what anymore. I lost my support system and it's hard to stay strong, to not give up. I've been skipping school again and all my grades are dropping. I'm supposed to be applying to colleges soon and my GPA is a two-point-nine. I don't want any help or your pity. I just want someone to tell me everything's going to be okay."

Mrs. Jenson grabs my hand and squeezes it. "Everything's going to be okay, Addy."

I cross my arms, leaning back, and ask, "How come I don't believe you, then?"

"Because time hasn't begin to heal. You can't expect everything to go back to normal overnight, can you?"


"Then you must be patient."

Tears fill my heavy eyes and I whisper, "I just want everything to stop hurting."


I jump up and grab my backpack. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Jenson. I shouldn't have sprung this on you. I'll go now." She calls my name, but I ignore her as I race out of the classroom. I'll see her later in detention, anyway. Everyone's gaze falls on me as I walk down the hallway, but it's different this time. Instead of looking angry and disgusted with me, they're shocked and worried, eyes full of pity, and that's when I realize they're staring at my neck. I hurry to my locker.

Tiana walks up. "Hey, Addy."

"I'm not really in the mood, Tiana."

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry," She says, and I look at her carefully, trying to see if she's genuine or if this is another one of her cruel intentions. "No matter how much I don't like you, not even you deserve that."

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