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Nine months have passed since That Night. I don't see the color blue the same anymore. I don't think I ever will. A lot of things will be different now and I have to live with that. You trust the wrong people and learn the hard way. It's the end of May and we're all high school graduates now, even Douglas. He was surprised when he heard his name echo in the auditorium. Gracie and his parents are so proud of him and saved up money to get him a new guitar. I'm proud of him.

"No, no, no!" Douglas shouts as Tyler as he snatches a box from him. "Arranging the books vertically will create more room."

"Does it really matter?" Tyler asks. "Labeling books in detention with Addy doesn't make you an expert."

"Have you even read a book?" My boyfriend counters and Tiana and I laugh.

Tyler flicks him off and shoves him with a laugh. "You I'll miss the least."

"I'm going to miss you guys so much." Tiana stands and walks over, pulling Douglas and I into a group hug. "California is so far away. You better visit every chance you get."

"We're coming home for Thanksgiving and Christmas," I assure Tiana and squeeze her tighter. "And you and Tyler can see us over spring break."

Tyler and Tiana are staying in Florida and attending the same college. They struck gold when they found each other and neither one is giving up. "Spring break is going to be so much fun," She whispers with a grin. "So much fun."

"Am I the only one who's scared?" Douglas jokes and we laugh.

My phone rings in my back pocket. It's Uncle Frank. "Hey, what's up?"

"Come outside," He says and I peek out the window to see him standing at the hood of his car. "I need to talk to you."

"Every time you 'need to talk', it sends my anxiety into a crazy spiral."

He rolls his eyes. "Just get down here."

I hang up and jog downstairs. Uncle Frank meets me on the porch. "Okay. I'm here. What's up?"

"I'm sure you're aware of Paul's ridiculously drawn out lawsuit," He starts and I cross my arms with a nod. "Today was the last day of trail. The jury came to a decision. It hasn't hit the news yet, but I wanted you to know first. Paul's been sentenced to three years in prison with no probation."

"Really?" I ask with wide eyes. My lawyer made it sound like Paul would get off with no repercussions. I've had nightmares about it for months. "That's—"

"I wish it were more," Uncle Frank whispers as he hugs me. "But at least it's something."

I close my eyes and hug him tighter. "Thank you, Uncle Frank."

"Anything for you, kiddo." He kisses my forehead and steps back. "Go back in and keep packing. Your mother and father want to leave before the sun goes down."

"I can't believe you three are driving up with me and Douglas," I tell him with an eye roll. "We're perfectly capable and good drivers."

"I know, Ads." Uncle Frank ruffles my bangs. "But we just have to make sure you and your boyfriend get there in one piece. It's what parents do."

I love hearing people call Douglas my boyfriend. I wave goodbye and head upstairs to my room, watching through the window as Dad and Uncle Frank stand at the car. All's well with them again. They're talking like they never stopped. Mom walks over and leans in the passenger window to see Aunt Stella. She's staying at a friend's house with the twins while Uncle Frank is gone. As the four of them walk back to the house, Mom and Dad share a kiss on the front steps. They're slowly easing back into each other and plan to remarry next year.

"You know what's funny?" Douglas asks out of nowhere and we turn to listen. "Two people in this room have kissed Tyler... and the second isn't Addy."

Tiana and I share a confused look and our eyes widen. We look back at Douglas. "What? You kissed Tyler?!" We shout in sync, laughing.

"Remember Frankie's party last year?" He asks. We both nod. "Everyone was playing Spin The Bottle in the living room. We were drunk. The bottle landed on Tyler and me."

"Oh my God!" Tiana squeals as she folds a pair of jeans and drops them in a suitcase. She wanted to be in charge of my clothes because she didn't want to lift boxes or furniture. I can't blame her, honestly.

Jaw dropped, I whisper, "My best friend is dating my brother and my boyfriend kissed said brother. Wow. Talk about sharing."

"Tyler's a better kisser than you, by the way," Douglas jokes and he dodges my arm as I go to punch him.

"This is gorgeous!" Tiana holds up the hanger of a gold blouse with diamond engravings around the collar and cuff sleeves. "Are these real diamonds?"

I nod. "Yeah. You can have it if you want."

"Really? Are you sure?" Tiana shakes off her sweater and slips the blouse on over her tank-top. She runs a finger over the soft, shiny fabric. "Where did you even get this? This is the most beautiful shirt ever."

"My dad bought it for my birthday a few years ago." I fold the flaps of a box and tape them shut. "It was an apology gift. I've never even worn it. Keep it. It'll look better on you, anyway." 

Tiana smiles. "Thanks, Addy."

"Honestly, take whatever you want," I tell her and her eyes widen in glee. "Half of that I don't even wear, anyway."

"Are you sure?"

I nod. "Go crazy, but hands off my bras, though. Those are Victoria's Secret."

"Not really a secret anymore," Douglas mutters, holding a black bra with a pink bow between the cups against his shirt. "Wow. I have this same exact one."

"Seriously?" I ask, breaking out in a laugh. 

"Same size, too." Douglas uses it as a slingshot and I catch it mid-air.

I toss it in the suitcase. "Bras aren't slingshots, Dork-las."

"They can be is you try hard enough," He whispers and I roll my eyes.

An hour later, we're finished packing. Boxes are stacked against the wall and my two suitcases wait by the door. I check my phone; it's only noon and I'm hungry. "We're not leaving for a few hours. Who wants to get food?"

"PIZZA!" The three of them shout at the same time.

"Alright. Let's get pizza—"

"Shotgun!" Tiana shouts as she runs out of the room.

Tyler and Douglas share a look before chasing her. "Hey, that's not fair!"

"Yeah, I want shotgun!" My boyfriend screams with a heavy pant. "Slow down, I'm not used to running!"

Their voices leave the house and continue outside. I glance out the window and smile at my idiot brother, best friend, and dork of a boyfriend wrestling and fighting each other over shotgun. "I love you guys," I whisper to myself, turning around to a quiet, empty room. The furniture's gone and the walls are bare now, but I'll always remember what happened here, and I am okay with that. Things will be better now. I open the door and quickly shut it and wait a moment. 

I lock it and unlock it.

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