[34] Halloween

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Three Days Later

Halloween. Usually I'd be spending today with Vanessa and Logan at some dumb party—like I used to do every year—but this year I'm with Douglas, and I'm okay with that. I don't need over-the-top costumes and glamorous parties and jello shots, though I do miss those. We're taking Gracie trick-or-treating and I'm glad to chill out and relax. I stand in front of the mirror in a bathroom at Douglas' house and adjust my boobs into the corset. I tug on the fabric and smile when everything falls into place. That's better. I run my hands through my hair and ruffles the ends before tugging the hood of the cape over my head, pinning it in place. Taking in a deep breath, I step back and look over my costume one more time. The makeup I'm wearing makes my skin look paler—like a vampire's—and I run my tongue along my bottom lip. I'm not used to wearing dark lipstick, but that was Gracie's idea. 'Like your lips are stained with blood', she told me over the phone this morning.

"Addy, are you ready yet?" Douglas calls from downstairs.

"Don't rush her, Douglas!" His mom counters.

"I'm not! Gracie is!" He quickly defends, adding, "If we don't make it to Mrs. Condoll's house before seven all the king-sized candy is going to be gone."

Everyone turns to me as I reach the bottom of the staircase. Nervous, I pick at my nails and ask, "What? Is something wrong with my costume?"

Douglas shakes his head. "Holy shit. You look so hot."

Mrs. Beckett smacks him. "Be respectful, Douglas!"

"I am, Mom! What, am I supposed to tell my girlfriend she looks ugly?"

My girlfriend. Those two words make my heart race as I smile to myself.

Gracie waddles over to me. She's dressed as Ariel from The Little Mermaid. Her legs are tied together under her tail and has little room to move her feet. Still, she made her costume herself and she's accurate to the character's design and I have to give her props for that. "You look so cool, Twizzie."

"So do you, Princess Ariel." I bow to her and she giggles.

"Pictures!" Mrs. Beckett cheers as she waves her phone around. "Everyone, line up against the staircase!"

In perfect sync, Douglas and Gracie's heads drops with a groan. "Mom!"

"What? I need pictures for my scrapbooks!" She pushes them closer to me. "Come on, it'll take two minutes."

Douglas grabs my hand and tugs me closer. He leans in says, "I'm so sorry. My mom gets a little crazy."

"Don't be," I tell him, leaning against him. "This is actually kind of fun."

"By the way, your costume looks great on you," He whispers in my ear and I'm so flustered I almost don't hear what he says. As he wraps an arm around my waist, my eyes widen and my cheeks burn and I pray to God it isn't noticeable in any of Mrs. Beckett's pictures. Gracie lays on the ground in front of us and pretends to swim.

"Smile!" Mr. Beckett tells us and a flash goes off.

"Just a few more," Mrs. Beckett reassures us. "I promise we won't buy into your trick-or-treating time."

Feeling confident, I stand on my toes and pretend to bite Douglas' neck. After all, I am a vampire tonight, and I want Douglas to live out his Skyrim fantasy. As the second flash goes off, he turns to me and grabs my face. I beat him to it and kiss him first.

"Ew, gross!" Gracie shouts as she jumps between us and pushes us apart. "No more kissing tonight! I'm the princess, I make the rules!"

"Rules are made to be broken," Douglas whispers and winks at me.

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