The Bleeding Rose

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  Chapter - 57

Tapasya's home

The baraat is coming. Everyone is there waiting for welcoming them. Tapasya's Ma is standing at doorsteps with Arti ki thall when she remembers something.

" Roshini, Anjali why are you here? Why are you not with Tapasya?" She asked.

" Ujjwala said she wants to talk with Tapasya alone so we come leaving them," Roshini said, Ma eyes get widened.

" Why did you leave her alone?" She shouted and everyone looks at her, she gave them a fake smile and run upstairs to her room.

She opens the door and arti ki thall fell from her hands seeing the view in front of here.

" Tapasya" she screamed.



All of Tapasya's family is there.

" Doctor what happened is she... Is she fine?" Tapasya's Papa asked with his trembling voice.

" Can't say anything, she lost a lot of blood we need to arrange it fast" The doctor said and goes.

" How did this all happen?" Tapasya's Ma asked crying, covering her mouth from her hand.

" We can talk about this later first we have to arrange blood for her," Papa said with his eyes glinting with tears as he looks at the door of the room in which his daughter is laying lifeless because of his zid.


Yuvraj and Ujjwala both are eating ice cream in celebration of Tapasya's marriage which didn't happened.

" Yahh" they both shouted in happiness after feeding eachother by their hands.

" Yr don't you think Tapasya should have called me by now?" Ujjwala asked while shoving a spoon full of ice cream in her mouth.

" Let them spend some time together, after all, they met after so many days," Yuvraj said wrapping his arm around Ujjwala's shoulder pulling her closer.

" Hmm You're right" Ujjwala nodded leaning on him.

Her phone rang and she again cut it.

" My Ma is calling me for half an hour, what's she thinks that I'll tell her where Tapasya elope," Ujjwala groaned when she sees her phone rang again.

" What happened?" She snapped in anger but her expression changed as she hears her mother from other side.

" What happened?" Yuvraj asked concerned as he sees her face turned pale.

" We have to go to the hospital fast," she get up hurriedly.

" But why?"

" Tapasya... Tapasya" her voice broke, Yuvraj understand something is not right so they both get into the car and goes to the hospital.



Ujjwala and Yuvraj both run inside the hospital and find everyone outside ICU.

" Ujjwala how did this all happen? Tapasya's Ma asked, Ujjwala opened her mouth but nothing comes out.

" Ujjwala I'm asking you something, you were the one who met her last time then how it's happened?" She asked shaking Ujjwala.

" I don't know" she whispered faintly.

Ujjwala looked at Yuvraj who has the same expression. How can this happen? Ruhaan and Tapasya are supposed to elope but something else has happened?

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