Chapter 2: Confused Crimson Haired Son and a Strange Visitor

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Millicas POV
Today has been about 2 maybe 3 days since mom and I moved in here.

It was amazing to see Aunt Rias all the time again!

But I'm so confused on why Mother and I need to stay here.

I still remember the first morning I was here, I saw Father again! It made me happy! But then, Mother got me away from him and the two started to have some sort of fight. I wanted to see what was going on but Aunt Rias and Uncle Issei stopped me and got me away from them.

I tried to ask Aunt Rias or Uncle Issei what was going on. But I don't know what they meant by what they said to me.

Rias: Let's just say, your father did something wrong to hurt your mother.

End of Flashback

What did Father do to hurt Mother that bad?

I heard that the next day, Mother and Father would be doing something called, divorce.

What's a divorce?

I don't know why, but I feel lost, and a little sad about what's going on. Everything seems so confusing and I don't know what to do!

It didn't seem to feel better when I heard the day after that, Mother would be traded to Grandma's peerage.

But every day when I see Mother, she looks sad, as if someone really hurt her feelings. Her eyes didn't have that sparkle that I always loved seeing. It made me so happy to see it! But now it doesn't make me happy at all because it's gone!

Was that because of something that Father did? Did Father do something that bad to hurt Mother's feelings? Why? I thought they loved each other.

Or was it because I did something wrong?

Every time I try to hug Mother, she seems to accept it, but I always hear her cry. Did I hurt Mother?

I wish I knew what to do, but I don't. I guess that is the case of being just a boy right?

I was awake early today because sleep hasn't been easy to have for me for the last few days. I just haven't understood what was happening and why it was happening.

I sat on the couch, trying to still understand why Father apparently hurt Mother to the point where they had to do this "divorce" thing.

I don't know why, but I don't seem to like that word. Divorce, it feels bad.


The doorbell ringing got my attention this time!

Who could it be?

I looked around to see if anyone else was awake. I could only see that I was the only one so far.

I was nervous, but I chose to go up to the door and open it. It was my first time doing this on my own, so I was a little nervous at who was going to be there.

I still remember everything Mother said when there is a guest, we should always be polite and inviting if they wish to come in.

As I open the door, I look to see a pretty tall boy in front of me.

He had green eyes and brown hair that almost looked like Uncle Issei! But he had these things in his ears. I wonder what they are, he doesn't seem to be bothered that they're in his ears.

I watched him as he looked down at me. He looked confused too.

???: Huh?

We stared at each other for a few seconds. It was like neither of us knew what we were doing.

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