Chapter 6: Booze Runs and Talks

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3rd Person POV
Kazuko and Grayfia were walking together down the streets, making their way to a liquor store in the mind of Issei's elder brother.

Kazuko sighed in relaxation as the wind blew his hair, causing Grayfia to stare at him.

Kazuko: It's nice to be out here doing this. I still remember the first time I went out for some booze.

Grayfia: That so?

Kazuko: Yeah. The only difference is that it's not crowded out here.

Grayfia: Crowded?

Kazuko: Yeah, Tokyo can get insanely busy during this hour. Guess that's another reason for me to leave that place and come back here.

Grayfia: Really? What about any other reasons?

Kazuko stopped for a moment as Grayfia stopped with him looking at him with slight concern.

Kazuko: Well......sometimes I think after what Sayumi did to me. Maybe it would be best to also come back here, to rethink my life, you know? To find a new passion if the one I had is gone, get a little clean before moving again to settle down and have a family.

Grayfia: I see. It's almost in a healthy sort of passion for you then.

Kazuko:......I guess so.

Kazuko then shook his head and looked back at Grayfia with a smile that he had earlier today.

Kazuko: Anyway, enough of that. Now cmon! I promise we get some juice from a good place!

Grayfia nodded and proceeded to follow Kazuko. But she continued to think about her and Kazuko and stopped again. Kazuko looked back at the Silver-Haired Queen of Annihilation.

Kazuko: Hm? What's wrong Grayfi?

Grayfia: Kazuko, allow me to confess something to you. If you don't mind right now.

Kazuko: Huh? Sure, go on ahead. Im all ears.

Grayfia sighed and held her own hands together as Kazuko stared at her.

Grayfia: You see Kazuko.....I too had been cheated on by my husband.

Kazuko looked at her, frozen in his current stance.

Kazuko: What?

Grayfia: Hm? Pardon me?

Grayfia looked up to see Kazuko with a look of either confusion, disgusted or pissed off.

Kazuko: Sorry, excuse my tone, but what the fuck?!

Grayfia: Huh?!

Kazuko: Who the hell would cheat on you?! I mean, seriously!

Grayfia's eyes widened as Kazuko went up to her and in a way, shaped her with his hands.

Kazuko: You have all this! You have the beautiful face, that stunning hair, that drop dead gorgeous body, and your husband would go on to have an affair?!

Grayfia: Yes?

Kazuko: The fuck?! You know what. You deserve better than that, like, what the hell!

Kazuko would continue his little rant as Grayfia listened in shock and surprise. After what seemed to be a minutes or two of rambling, Kazuko and Grayfia went back to walking again.

Kazuko: You know something Grayfia.

Grayfia: Hm?

Kazuko looked back at Grayfia with a genuine smile.

Kazuko: In a way, I'm glad you told me that. It's nice, to know someone who has the same situation as me. Even if it is somewhat different than the other.

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