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Jennie POV
After they left I immediately massage my temple because my head suddenly aching, I entered to my private room while massaging my temple. I didn't say anything to Lisa and just go straight to the bed and lie down. I got startled when I felt a soft hand massaging my temple, when I opened my eyes it was Lisa. 

Lisa: you shouldn't stress yourself and have some rest (soft tone while still massaging her temple) look what happened now

Jennie: (didn't say anything) 

Lisa: (sigh then sit down on the bed and lean her back at headboard and put Jennie's head into her lap then started to massage her temple) you should relax Jennie 

Jennie: (close her eyes) 

Lisa: it's ok if you fell asleep as long as you are resting

Jennie: why are you being like this to me Lisa? (low tone) I acted like a sh*t towards you earlier 

Lisa: I agree to marry you, so I have to accept who ever you are. I should accept your attitude, I should understand you. But I still hoping that even just a little you will change (smile) you can be a sweet person if you want to, you can be a soft person if you want to. Last night I saw different Jennie (ile) I am not saying that you should change yourself ok? 

Jennie: (suddenly hold Lisa's right hand and intertwined with her left hand) I will do my best 

Lisa: (smile then caressing Jennie's hair until Jennie fell asleep) 


Jennie POV
I woke up because I felt hungry, when I sit down I saw our hands still intertwined. When I look at Lisa I frown when I saw her sleeping while her head was leaning at the head board. I slowly make her lie down on my bed and cover her with my comforter, after that I ordered some food for our lunch, while waiting for our food I just play some game into my phone. While playing I heard someone spoke huskily, maybe I woke her up. 

Lisa: hmm Jennie-yahhh 

Jennie: hey sorry did I disturb your sleep? 

Lisa: it's fine (said still closing her eyes) what time is it? 

Jennie: quarter to 1 

Lisa: (open her eyes the sat down aggressively) we skip lunch! 

Jennie: (giggle) calm down Lili I already ordered some food for us 

Lisa: hmmm (look at Jennie curiously) what's with the Lili? 

Jennie: you are Lili (smile) I'm going to call you Lili since you were like a kid (chuckle) 

Lisa: why everyone keep on saying that I'm still a kid? (frown) 

Jennie: because you are (laugh) 

Lisa: I'm not (pout) 

Jennie: look at you right now (chuckle) 

Lisa: mean (still pouting cutely) 

Jennie: aigooo (pinch both Lisa's cheeks) I'll be back, I'm just going to check if our food already arrive (stand up then left the room) 

Lisa Thought
Now she's like the Jennie from last night pshhh, I really hope she will stay like that towards me. 


3rd Person POV
Didn't take too long when Jennie came back with their foods, she immediately ask Lisa to go to the mini living room inside of her private room. After that they ate while talking about their life. After 15 minutes they were already done.

Lisa: aren't you going to go back to your work? 

Jennie: nahhh we are giong to go home, Ms. Park is waiting 

Lisa: what do you mean? 

Jennie: I told her that you were with me so she agree to change your class schedule with her, your session with her will be on afternoon 

Lisa: why? I have nothing to do during morning 

Jennie: you will always accompany me here during morning (smile) I want us to get to know with each other so we are not going to be awkward during our wedding  

Lisa: When is our wedding? 

Jennie: I don't know, when do you want? 

Lisa: to tell you honestly? I'm still not yet ready to get married (smile slightly) if you are willing to wait for me then I will marry you, I just need some time 

Jennie: why? (ask curiously) is there anything you still want to do or to achieve? 

Lisa: (shake her head) I just don't feel like I deserve you. I'm just nobody Jennie and I have nothing with me, I can't even afford to give you anything since I'm just a beggar (look away)

Jennie: Lili (soft tone) I don't care about your background, I choose you to be my wife because I want to (caressing Lisa's cheeks) so what if you are just a beggar? You are different from the other girls so don't be ashamed ok? As long as you have me no one can manipulate you 

Lisa: (shake her head) Jennie listen to me 

Jennie: No Lisa, you listen to me (Said seriously but soft tone) We will get married when you are ready ok? I'm going to let you attend to School so you will have the certificate that you are dreaming, you will studied into my own University ok? 

Lisa: But I never experience being in School, I'm afraid Jennie (sigh) I might just put you in a shame (low tone) I'm afraid afraid Jen

Jennie: Ms. Park was there, once you are ready attending to the School... You will attend to my University that's a deal Lisa 

Lisa: (nod) ok deal 

Jennie: (smile) I got your back 

Lisa: thank you   

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