Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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It's finally here! The first two chapters are only going to be introducing the characters and setting the scene so don't expect too much plot yet! Don't worry, once everyone's had a perspective the roleplay will start, so don't panic if you've not had a dm yet. I'm just trying to make sure I know all the characters so if I'm not writing your character right please let me know! Don't forget to vote and comment to let me know that you're reading and I can't think of anything else to say so just enjoy the chapter I guess! 

From here he could see every face in the room. From the members of his own household seated in neat rows on stone benches before him to the common folk crowded at the back of the hall. He had only to turn his head a little to the right to see his mother, her face drawn, her worry visible for but a second before she caught his gaze and a calm settled over her, covering any expression like winter snow. He turned away from her kind smile towards his brother on the left, who sat as relaxed in his chair as if there were no omens. As if the words inscribed on the back of the Lord's chair did not ring true. Winter is coming, he thought, and we'd better be ready when it does. But the worries that pressed upon Thorren's mind need not trouble his brother, the bastard of Winterfell. And though he knew it was unfair, he was beginning to begrudge his brother the easy life that his mother had handed to him.

Tearing his gaze away from Yule's golden eyes, he faced the room once more. Everything was silent, so that you could almost hear the hot springs beneath the castle running onwards, forever moving, twisting and turning in the unmapped darkness, a hollow echo of another world long since banished beyond the Wall.

Shaking himself out of his daydream, he tried to ignore the dread building in the pit of his stomach as he rose from his seat. All eyes followed him, as if they knew already what he had to tell them. Lord Thorren Stark took a calming breath, and spoke.

"My people." he began, nodding to the crowd assembled before him. "My thanks to you for coming, for I have received news from the South. I believe that all men should know this, and so it falls to you to spread this news to any who could not be here today at such short notice. I-"

"And who commands us to do so? You, or the King?" the interrupting voice came from the back of the hall. His guards were already moving towards the speaker when Thorren raised a gloved hand.

"Wait. This man's question is fair, although if he had waited only seconds longer to interrupt then it would not have been necessary. It is I who give this command. For the King is dead."

Chaos erupted all around him as he sank into his seat, gripping the wolf heads carved into the arms of the chair as tightly as he could with his injured left hand. His mother was on her feet, trying to calm down the explosion of noise, but Thorren only listened, waiting for his chance to restore peace to the Great Hall. But as it turned out, he was spared the trouble.

The great oak doors swung open, and the clamor of noise was split open by an alarmed cry as an axe splits wood. All heads turned to the back of the hall, and silence settled over the crowd once more as they parted to reveal a small figure, silhouetted in the sunlight pouring through the archway like molten gold. Behind it, a guard could be seen clearly as he reached to grab the child's arm. Thorren felt a small smile play over his lips as his son ran between the benches towards the dais.

"Daddy!" the four-year-old's voice was a squeal of excitement as he raced towards the stair.

"Darry, you know you can't come in here. Daddy's busy right now. Where's Jorlyn?" he tried to sound stern. After all, his only heir should have learnt by now to do as he was told.

Undeterred, Darred continued his attempt to climb the step to the dais. "Nurse is boring," he complained. "I want to-"

As he spoke, his foot caught on the edge of the step and he fell, headfirst, towards the bare stone floor.

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