Chapter 2 - Darkness Stirs

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I know I said I'd update every two weeks but I've been super busy with school so sorry for updating slightly late! This chapter has all the rest of the characters who weren't introduced in chapter 1, and whose opinions have been completed (with the exception of Guenevere Lugor who has become an OC I'll be playing from now on).

Nice job on all the spam on chapter 1, I'm here for it - keep it up! <33


Guenevere Lugor was tired. Tired of early mornings and late nights, of hard work and low pay. She knew the Lannisters were rich, that the treasuries beneath Casterly Rock were overflowing with gold, an unimaginable wealth so close, yet she was denied more than a fraction of it, so insignificant given its proportion that she doubted the nobles would notice the difference if they were to double her wages, alongside those of every other servant working at the castle. But the lords and ladies of Westeros, for all they claimed to be noble and honourable, were greedy. They seemed firmly to  believe that no servant could ever rise above their place, that they lowborn were incapable of anything but serving their masters, their betters with a blind faith born from idiocy and need.

But Guen had a clear enough mind to see that they were simply arrogant. What did they do to deserve the wealth they have? What gives them the right to look down upon us, to control our lives as if we were nothing more than animals?

She thought this even as she prepared her Lady's breakfast, swallowing her own hunger as she made her way silently through the empty halls. She was born to serve. She had known it from a young age, known her fate was inescapable even as she watched her parents suffer, eventually die at the hands of the masters who pretended they cared. She knew better. Few nobles were good or kind. Too many were simply greedy.

The torchlight pooled in the silver of the tray like precious gold as Guenevere made her way through the predawn hallways. Knocking gently, she entered the Lord's cousin's rooms just as the first fingers of dawn began to reach over the horizon. The start of a new day, she reflected. Another beautiful, painful day just like all the rest.

How wrong she was.


Lady Joanne Lannister was already awake as Guen set the tray down. Hardly looking up, she crossed to the ornate oak wardrobe, the carved lion's heads on the handles familiar beneath her hands as she sorted through the array of gowns, eventually selecting a flowing silver garment, elegant in its plainness, the edges hemmed in a sparkling emerald that matched the Lady's eyes perfectly. Crossing to the screen, she set down her bundle, but was stopped dead in her tracks by the tears in her mistress' eyes as she turned towards the huge bed.

Hurrying over, she sat beside her, taking her hand. "My Lady? Is something wrong?"

Joanne shook her head slowly. "It's nothing Guen, but, well, I only just heard-"

"Heard what? Is everything alright?"

"I thought you knew. It's the King.

"He's dead."

Guenevere blinked, shaken herself, yet refusing to portray any sign of emotion. Jaehaerys had been called the Old King for a reason, but he'd been there, a constant unnoticed presence in the Seven Kingdoms, since long before she was born. If he was dead, then nothing would ever be the same. The life she led could hardly be called simple as it was, but now, she realised, everything she knew would change.

Guen forced a smile, realising she had been silent for a long time. She rose slowly, her feet heavy as she crossed to the screen once more, then back to the wardrobe, grabbing those ornate handles to steady herself, taking deep breaths to stop her voice from shaking.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2021 ⏰

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