Part 5

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They spent the next day planning any possible defenses and how to get past them. They were prepared for any possible outcome because they really didn't want to screw this up.

Finally, it was time to leave.

They crawled around some bushes that dotted the landscape around the priest's mansion. They looked up at the huge house that had men with guns patrolling the outside.

"What kind of priest needs this much protection?" Alastor whispered, peering over at the guards.
"The kind that knows it's wrong to tell someone to abuse their children and expects this exact thing to happen." Astrid muttered darkly.

Alastor snickered, "well it's nothing we can't get past, come on."
They crept closer to the wall and Astrid felt herself feeling nervous. She hadn't been this nervous about a job since her first mission, and that was 10 years ago. She was sixteen she shouldn't be this scared about killing someone.

It happened so quickly. A guard noticed Alastor and Astrid hiding a short distance away in the bushes. He began shooting and the first thought that found it's way into her head was to protect Alastor. As quickly as she could, she thrust up the largest protective shield spell she'd ever done.

She felt as if she was on fire after a while and thought her chest might burst open. She heard muffled shouts from the guards as they all ran into the walls of the mansion. She fell onto her hands and knees and was breathing heavily. "Astrid," she heard panic rising in Alastor's voice as he looked at her. She fell onto her back and tried to control her breathing. "Astrid, No, not now, not yet, stay with me, please."

She saw the look of fright spread across Alastor's face and the only thing she could think to muster was "Alastor... where is your smile?" as she closed her eyes for the last time, a small red x had started burning on her chest.
A memory flashed through Alastor's head. It had to have happened years ago, yes, Astrid was no older than 7 at the time. It was rainy and fog had started to pick up through the outside of the market place they had been shopping at. Alastor's hand had accidentally slipped from Astrid's without his notice. A few moments had passed before he realized and began frantically searching through the heavy crowd. Finally, after about 10 minutes of searching, he'd found her. He knelt down and pulled her into a hug. "I'm sorry Astrid, I hadn't realized..." but he trailed off at the sound of her sobs. "Little fawn, what happened?" He asked. "A- a man tried to grab me and pull me away, that's why my hand slipped." Alastor tried hushing her. "Sh... shhh, it's ok, you're alright. Do you know where the man is?" She looked around and pointed a short distance away, where a group of men sat laughing and drinking out of dark brown bottles. Alastor narrowed his eyes at the men and turned his attention back to Astrid. "It's alright, you're safe with me, I won't let anyone hurt you as long as I'm around."
Alastor flashed back to the present day and looked down at Astrid's cold body.
"I'm sorry little fawn, I failed to protect you" he murmured sadly before picking up her light body and carrying it back to the car.

Demon with wings (a Hazbin Hotel and Helluva boss fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now