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It had been a week since the incident involving Logan. I was still a little upset about it but I also started to realise the things I was missing out on.
Like hanging out with my friends without stressing about getting home on time, and actually improving my mental health, doing things like this helped me start to move on, which slowly brought out my real personality. My happy, bubbley personality that I felt the need to hold back from Logan otherwise he would think I was childish or immature.

The article posted about mine and Logan's breakup didn't really phase a lot of people because they all suspected that something was going on, and to be honest no one was surprised.

Today was Friday which meant that it was the last day of work for this tiring week, but it also meant that I was filming a very important scene.
One of the most awaited scenes of the season; April and JJ's kiss.

I was sitting infront of a lit up mirror in my trailer while Melody was touching up some light makeup and my wavy hair.

"I'm so excited for your scene! I ship you guys so much!" She squealed, unable to contain her excitement.

I chuckled and bit my lip, looking at her happy expression through the reflection of the mirror.

Rudy and I have started to become a lot closer now that I was actually allowed to talk to him without getting accused of cheating.
He was also one of the main people that supported me throughout the break up.

Although this morning it almost seemed a little awkward between us.
He's barely even talked to me all morning which I thought was a bit strange considering we're both usually joking around or talking about random shit.
It's probably just because we're both stressing about this scene.
I mean who wouldn't find it awkward to kiss one of your closest friends?

After about half an hour of touch-ups and outfit changes, I was ready for my scene.
Melody wished me good luck before allowing me to leave the trailer.
I thanked the nice girl before stepping out into the golden sunlight.

I walked over to the old shack which was being used as John B's chateau where the rest of my friends were all lazing around, either reading through their scripts or on their phones.

Madison's face instantly lit up once she saw me approaching the group.
"Hey babes!" She smiled sweetly and patted the spot next to her on the hammock.

"Hey!" I smiled back and slid into the small spot next to her, causing the hammock to swing violently. Thankfully we managed to balance it out before it flipped over.

Just as I got comfy Madelyn approached me and Mads on the hammock, looking down mainly at me.

"What did he do?" She asked plainly. I had no idea what she was talking about which made me kind of confused.

"What are you talking about?" I asked curiously.

"You and Rudy seemed off this morning, what the hell happened?" She asked quietly, pouting her bottom lip.

"I dunno, it might have something to do with our scene today." I sighed and ran my fingers through my smooth blonde hair.

"Ooh I forgot about that!" Madison nudged my side with a smirk.

"Maybe he's just nervous." Maddie suggested with a small smile, making sure to keep her voice down so that Rudy wouldn't overhear, considering he was only sitting a couple of meters away.

"I don't know what he's feeling, all I know is that he hasn't even spoken a proper sentence to me since yesterday." I sighed and looked over at the blonde boy who was concentrating on the peice of paper in his hands.

Behind The Scenes • 𝙍𝙪𝙙𝙮 𝙋𝙖𝙣𝙠𝙤𝙬Where stories live. Discover now