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I had spent just over half an hour with Melody in my trailer getting ready for my upcoming scene which was going to be involving all of us at a party called Midsummers. Melody had picked out a beautiful pearl white satin dress for me to wear which fit me perfectly.

She was just adding some final touches to my makeup and hair, constantly telling me how pretty she thought the I looked in the dress which boosted my confidence a lot!

"And done! You look amazing holy shit girl!" She squealed from excitement as she set down the makeup products that were in her hands.

"Oh my gosh you did an amazing job!" I smiled and looked at my outfit in the reflection of the full body mirror that was hanging on the wall. 

"That's easy when I have a naturally gorgeous girl to work with." She smiled and checked the time on her phone. "Oh shit you should be out there right now!"

She walked over to the trailer door and opened it for me.
"Thank you Melody you're amazing!" I called as I started to walk over to the big venue where Midsummers was being filmed.

I carried on walking until I found Maddie and the others standing near the front of the huge, fancy building.

"Here she is, late as usual!" Chase tutted, shaking his head only making me laugh. He was the only one in the group who wasn't all dressed up because he only shows up to Midsummers to talk to Sarah and to collect us all for a 'mandatory meeting'.

"Fashionably late." Madison corrected. "You look stunning!" 

"Thanks Mads, you look amazing too!" I smiled, looking at her beautiful purple satin dress. "All of you guys look awesome!" I added, looking around at everyone's fancy outfits.

Madelyn was wearing a beautiful white dress with matching ribbon weaved through her hair.

Drew was wearing a light blue tuxedo with his hair slicked back which he hated because he thinks it makes him look like a twelve year old trying to impress their crush. I mean he's not wrong!

Rudy was dressed as a waiter, I had to admit he look really good. 

Austin was wearing a light beige tuxedo and was apparently getting made fun of for trying to match with Drew.

JD on the other hand didn't have to wear a tux because his role was to help Heyward with the catering.

"Everyone apart from the ghetto John B over here." Drew added making everyone but Chase laugh.

"At least I'm not a kook!" Chase spat, only making everyone laugh even more.

Our petty argument was interrupted by Jonas calling us over to have a quick chat about the scene before we start filming. He informed us that there was going be be quite a bit of improv which I liked because it was always so random and fun. 

After we had finished going over the different scenes, we got ready to film. 

I went and stood with Madison, and Rudy while JD went to film the scene which included Pope and his dad.
We stood around talking about what we were going to do for our improv scenes for a while before Madison and I were called onset to film our scene with JD.

"You girls ready?" Jonas asked as he angled the camera at JD who was standing in front of a grill.

We both gave him a thumbs up before the cameras started filming.

We stood out of the shot behind JD who was in character as Pope, in silence for a few seconds before Madison spoke up. 

"Excuse me, sir. Do we have to shuck these ourselves?" She asked in a terrible English accent which made it extremely hard to keep a straight face.

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