𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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We had spent many hours that slow afternoon lazing in the nice warm sun, waiting for Jonas to call is over for our last scene today.
Since we needed to wait for the sky to darken, we had to wait a couple of hours.

We didn't necessarily need to hang around the set, but we were all really tired so we just decided to stay.

Once the sun had started to set leaving the sky in an orange state, I noticed Jonas approaching the group of us who were all still relaxing outside the chateau.

"Hey everyone! Sorry for making you wait around all day, I know it must've been a little boring."

"No honestly it was nice to just relax!" Maddie replied with a small smile.

"Oh that's great! But we've decided to wait until tomorrow to film the last scene because the weather doesn't meet the conditions of the scene just yet." Jonas said, with a slight hint of disappointment.

"Wait are we going to wait for an actual storm for this scene!?" Chase exclaimed, thinking about the fact that he would probably drown in an ocean that wild.

"Hell no! I just need a bit of cloud and wind, and as you can see that isn't going to happen tonight." He chuckled and looked up at the clear ombre sky.

"Thank fuck! You had me worried for a second!"

"I'm not that cruel! Anyway you can all go home and get some rest, just make sure you're back here by four thirty tomorrow afternoon okay?"

"See you then!" JD said with a warm smile and a thumbs up.

"Have a good night!" Jonas called before starting to walk back to the building where all the crew were editing and cropping the clips that were filmed today.

"Well, you heard the man let's go!" Rudy said, sliding off the hammock that we had been situated in for the past few hours.

"Can we pick up food on the way home? I'm starving!" Drew complained, dragging his feet as he followed us to the carpark.

Since it was nearly six o'clock, we decided that it would in fact be easier to pick something up for dinner on the way home like Drew suggested.

We all said goodbye to Mads and JD before they went back to their apartments.
The two usual boys climbed into the leather seats of my car. This time Rudy was in the passenger seat, and Drew was in the back.

"Okay what do y'all want to eat?" I asked, wanting to receive an awnser instead of driving hopelessly around town until they made up their minds.

"Honestly I just feel like a cheeseburger." Drew answered, while making himself comfortable in the back seats.

"So McDonalds?" I asked looking at the boys, waiting for a confirmation.

"I'm fine with that!" Rudy said, looking at me with an adorable smile.

Once I finally regained my focus I started the engine, driving away in the direction of the nearest McDonalds.

When we got back to the apartment, the three of us were the first ones back. Maddie, Chase and Austin were probably still buying some sort of food.

By the time we had finished eating the others still weren't back yet, which made us wonder what they were doing.

After a bit of sitting around I decided to retreat into my bedroom. It wasn't that I didn't want to see anyone, it was just that all I wanted to do right now was relax.
Even though I hadn't done too much today, I was still tired from the months of filming.

Don't get me wrong I love my job, but after a while it can get exhausting. All the early mornings and late nights start to add up, making me tired.

Behind The Scenes • 𝙍𝙪𝙙𝙮 𝙋𝙖𝙣𝙠𝙤𝙬Where stories live. Discover now